- Author: Spherical Ice
- Game Download:Pokemon Gaia
- Language:English
- Source:https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=326118
If you’re looking for a Pokemon Gaia Walkthrough, we’ve got you covered!
Pokemon Gaia is a popular fire red hack with a lot of new features like Mega Evolution, Pokemon from Gen 6, New Story, New Region & Much more!
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Table of Contents
- Pokemon Gaia Walkthrough
- [001] CELANTO TOWN – “Enigmas of the Past Prevail.”
- [002] ARCHAN TOWN – “Famous for Archaeological Digs!”
- [003] SEROS VILLAGE – “The Rural Heart of Orbtus!”
- [rt04] SEROS PATH
- [rt05] WISP FOREST
- [rt06] AEROUS ROAD
- [004] AEROUS CITY – “The Cultural Capital City.”
- [005] NESTPINE TOWN – “The Mountainside Nest on Mt. Ignis.”
- [006] WINDMIST CITY – “An Icy Pocket in the Mountain.”
- [rt10] IGNIS ROOST
- [007] SABULO ISLAND – “The Isle of Potential.”
- [rt14] VALOON WAY
- [008] VALOON TOWN – “A Habitat for Pokemon and People.”
- [rt15b] NEMESIS CAVE
- [rt17b] BATTLE MARSH FACILITY – “Where Trainers are put to the test!”
- [009] TELMURK CITY – “The Modern City on the Marsh.”
- TELMURK CITY DEPT. STORE – “All your shopping needs in one place!”
- TELMURK CITY GAME CORNER – “The Mighty Mightyenas run this joint!”
- [rt18] ARCHAN HILLS (the Return)
- [rt19b] FERRE RUINS
- [010] PRECIMOS ISLAND – “The Sunny Resort Island!”
- [011] EDASHORE TOWN – “Host of the Meteor Festival!”
- FROSTBITE CAVE (Edashore side)
- [rt25] GYARADOS BRIDGE – “Outrageously Beautiful!”
- [012] ATSAIL CITY – “Connecting Orbtus with the World.”
- [xdeo] DEOXYS (Level 50)
- [rt28] IGNIS VALLEY (Part 1)
- [rt28b] IKOS RUINS (Ignis Valley Area)
- [013] LOAMAS TOWN – “The Agricultural Engine of Orbtus.”
- [rt29] IKOS CANYON
- [014] IKOS TOWN – “Last Stop Before the League.”
- [rt30] IGNIS VALLEY (Part 2)
- [rt31] ATSAIL BAY
- -The Peak-
- [rt33] VICTORY FALLS – “The Climb to the Pokemon League!”
- [rt33b] VICTORY ROAD
- [rtd] BATTLE MARSH FACILITY (The Return)
Version 3.2
Hi there, how are you? I’m Allen and this is my walkthrough of Pokemon Gaia. It will be my 15th walkthrough since I started putting these out back in early 2019. Gaia is a hack I played a few years ago and I enjoyed my time with it. I decided to make a walkthrough for it after having a look at the one which is available on the Gaia Wiki site. It’s a very general walkthrough, not much in terms of details like which Pokemon are found in Area A or B, which Trainers you will meet, and so on. So I figured let me give Gaia another go, only this time it’ll be to provide a better guide for it 🙂 I think a nice game like this one deserves one, eh? Let’s begin!
In the introduction, we meet Professor Redwood, a regular Professor who also has time to be an archaeologist. Afterward, we appear in our room, go up to the desk, and take that open book, the Dusty Tome. A curious-looking book from the library of our home town Celanto. Boot up the old computer and you’ll find a Potion in Storage. Downstairs there’s Mom with a Letter for us concerning that Dusty Tome: we are to bring it with us to the Reliquia Ruins totem poles, and the letter writer will be waiting for us there. Speak to Mom again to receive the Running Shoes and then let’s step out.
[001] CELANTO TOWN – “Enigmas of the Past Prevail.”
Places of Interest
– Your House
– Celanto Library
– Celanto Condominiums
Go east, make note of the house next door – the lady inside wants an Oran Berry to feed her Meowth. We’ll see a path leading further east but don’t worry about it for now, head south. On the 2nd floor of the Condominiums remember the Beauty in the corridor, if you prefer having your Pokemon in Premier Balls she’ll swap Balls for you. Carry on to the end of the corridor to find a Potion. Make note of the Fisherman and the Super Nerd for later rewards. South of town are the Reliquia Ruins, check the tree stump near the steps for an Antidote.
Pokemon Found[Levels: 14-16]
Natu {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Swablu {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Elgyem {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Chimecho {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Solrock {Rock/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Lunarock {Rock/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Sigilyph {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
– Surf [Levels: 15-20]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– No Fishing
We’ll come back here when we can smash rocks, fortunately, in this game you won’t need specific Gym Badges in order to use HMs in the field. Waiting for us between the totem poles is an old woman who tells us a little bit about them, how they were made by Elders of Orbtus (the name of this region) and that nobody really knows why. She also claims that the book is actually a family heirloom that was stolen from her family (!) really? You’ll then have a decision to make, give her the book or not. If you say No she’ll challenge us to a battle…but since we don’t have Pokemon we’ll just hand over the book and the same dialogue as if you say Yes comes up. She thanks us and leaves without telling us her name. Huh, will we regret giving her the book later on or did we do good? If you examine the Ancient Rock monument you’ll note that whatever is inscribed on it is indecipherable. Check the tree stump on the right for a Potion. Further south is the beach, occupied by a lone Fisherman. East from him, check the little rock that’s below the big rock for a Potion. Head back to town.
Mom finds us and says that there’s a Professor giving out Pokemon at the Library. Great, hurry on over there and go straight to the back room. We show up as the 3rd person to receive a free Pokemon from the man – Professor Redwood. He’s here to find people who can help him conduct field research now that old age has caught up with him. The 3 Pokemon to choose from are these ones:
TURTWIG (Level 5)
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Moves Known: Tackle, Withdraw
CHIMCHAR (Level 5)
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Moves Known: Scratch, Leer
PIPLUP (Level 5)
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
Moves Known: Pound, Growl
Whatever you choose, the other guy will select the stronger Type. Aha, so there’s our Rival. Redwood now has to leave, but tells us to meet him at his house in Archan Town where he’ll give us a final gift. Rival guy has a chance to introduce himself, you give him a name. His name according to the game’s Readme doc looks to be Coulter so I’ll be running with that. He’ll be waiting for us in Archan Town too. We finally got our own Pokemon but no Pokedex and Pokeballs yet, head out west of town for Celanto Path.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 2-3]
Zigzagoon {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Taillow {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bidoof {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bunnelby {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Hoppip {Grass/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Budew {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Above the ledge that we pass as we enter this route there’s a spot without grass on the bottom right, check it for an Antidote. On the north side we’ll see a blocked path which leads to Nestpine Climb, note it for when we got HM Rock Smash. Check the regular rock on the left side of that path for a Burn Heal. We’ll also need HM Rock Climb for the rock wall just past the north path. Not long after that we arrive in Archan.
[002] ARCHAN TOWN – “Famous for Archaeological Digs!”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Redwood Residence
– Archan Tunnel
Potion P300
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Repel P350
Let’s have a quick look around town before we meet Redwood. In the house just northeast from the PokeCenter is a man who gives us a Potion. Above the PokeCenter, check the far left tile for a Potion. We’ll come back with HM Cut to pick up the item on the southeast side of town. Speak to the Ranger in the PokeCenter to find out that there’s a Hidden Grotto somewhere in town. At first I immediately thought of the ones from Pokemon Clover which you can easily point out either because of a hanging tree vine or a tiny hole in a rock wall, but sadly this isn’t Clover so no such indications here. South exit leads to Archan Hills but the rest of the path is blocked by a squad of Psyduck that are not going anywhere. Check the small rock among the Psyduck for a Rare Candy. On the eastern side though is a rock wall which leads to a cave entrance. Could that be the Hidden Grotto?
Pokemon Found [Levels: 3-4]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Lotad {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Pidgey {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Buneary {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Glameow {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Purrloin {Dark} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 15-20]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Lotad {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-4]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-24]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 34-36]
Gyarados {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Seaking {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Nortwest section of town has a large Ancient Tablet depicting a Relicanth. We can make a note of it for now. To the Redwood Residence!
Prof. Redwood has prepared some Care Packages for us and Coulter. Open your Bag, select the Care Package and Use to open it. We get the Orbtus Pokedex, a Redwood Card that confirms our research team membership and a Town Map. He also gives us Pokeballs and Potions. There have been some tremors happening here and Redwood would like us to investigate, starting in Archan Tunnel. Professor goes on ahead and Coulter says we should meet him by entrance for our very first battle. Upstairs you’ll find a computer that has a program which can revive Fossils but there’s a missing component so it’s unusable for now, damn.
We got Pokeballs now, once you’ve got a full party of Pokemon return to that Fisherman at the Celanto Condominiums and receive an Old Rod. Unfortunately you can’t fish anything out from the Reliquia Ruins waters. When you’re ready head for the southwest side of Archan Town, Coulter is standing in front of the Archan Tunnel entrance. Battle #1, here we go.
Rival Coulter
(Lv5 Starter)
Prize: P80
Nothing to it, he’s surprised that he lost but no hard feelings. Follow him in.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 2-3]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Whismur {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Roggenrola {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Spinarak {Bug/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Makuhita {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
One of the townspeople mentioned a boy who lost his Weedle in the Tunnel because of the tremors, we meet him here and if we had arrived without the Redwood Card he wouldn’t have let us through. He sees the card and asks us to find Stinga the Weedle. Stingaaa~! *random guitar riff*
Pokemon Found [Levels: 2-3]
Whismur {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Spinarak {Bug/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Roggenrola {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Makuhita {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
– Surf [Levels: 20-24]
Binacle {Rock/Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-4]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-23]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Binacle {Rock/Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Binacle {Rock/Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Whiscash {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Go all the way west to meet Louise before picking up an Escape Rope.
Picnicker Louise
(Lv3 Hoppip, Lv3 Starly)
Prize: P60
Check that rock on the left to get a Potion. North from Louise is Quinn.
Hiker Quinn
(Lv3 Whismur)
Prize: P108
Continue west, seeing a path blocked by smash rocks, check the rock pile that the Ruin Maniac is facing for a Pokeball and then take on Cory.
Youngster Cory
(Lv4 Pidgey)
Prize: P64
Pokemon Found [Levels: 2-3]
Whismur {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Drilbur {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Geodude {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Dwebble {Bug/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Makuhita {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Down the steps, of the 2 rock piles on the right check the bottom rock pile for a Nugget. Next is Georg.
Hiker Georg
(Lv3-4 Spinarak x2)
Prize: P144
The left path below him leads to a ladder.
-B1F- (Section B)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 2-3]
Whismur {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 28%]
Scraggy {Dark/Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Joltik {Bug/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Dwebble {Bug/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
No Trainers here, go to the left and check the rock for an Everstone. Before going down the ladder on the north side, check the rock below it for an Awakening. The ladder leads to a small room with an opening in the wall, go through and enter what’s known as a Secret Temple. Go up and meet a Lv5 Clefairy that you can catch. Nice. Return to B2F and carry on south from Georg. You’ll see a Scientist, check the rock on the right from him for a Pokeball. Just before we go under that bridge there’s a sudden tremor (!) even the Scientist’s dialogue changes in response to it. Bob is on the bridge.
Ruin Maniac Bob
(Lv3-4 Drilbur x2)
Prize: P192
Across the bridge is a short corridor on the right leading to a ladder. Check that rock pile to get not 1 but 5 Blue Shards. Don’t mind the ladder just yet, continue south and see Stinga. Looks like it’s safe and sound. Then the boy’s mother shows up to thank us for saving Stinga, she gives us a Soothe Bell. If you return to their house and speak to the boy he’ll give us an Oran Berry. Take it to the hungry Meowth and the lady gives us a White Herb. Back to the Tunnel, south from where we found Stinga is Frederick and a Rare Candy.
Rocker Frederick
(Lv3 Roggenrola, Lv4 Shinx)
Prize: P96
Now go for the ladder and head for the exit.
[003] SEROS VILLAGE – “The Rural Heart of Orbtus!”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Seros Village Day-Care
– Rival’s House
Pokeball P200
Potion P300
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
Repel P350
We meet up with Redwood and Rival Coulter. Not much luck in the tunnel for Redwood, so he wonders if there’s another entrance to it. Seros Village also happens to be Coulter’s hometown, he says he’ll ask his parents about that second entrance while Redwood will ask around at the PokeCenter. Coulter suggests we check out the Gym which is led by Fernando who specialises in Fairy-types. He’s also the grandson of the Day-Care couple. Let’s look around before hitting the Gym.
At Coulter’s house his dad says he doesn’t know about any tunnel entrances. Go up to Coulter’s room and check his desk to find a Rare Candy. The one clue we get about the second entrance is from the Youngster at the PokeCenter, pointing out the cave opening just north of the Mart. No HM Cut though. South of the Mart lives a man who collects Rare Bones, he’ll pay P10000 for each Rare Bone you give him! Loaded 🙂 The east exit leads to Aerous Road while out west is Seros Path. Head for the Gym.
Leader: Fernando – “The Young Fairy-type Trainer!”
The Gym puzzle here is about finding the correct rooms until we get to Fernando’s. First Gym Trainer is Rose.
Fairy Tale[F] Rose
(Lv6 all Cleffa, Igglybuff, Azurill)
Prize: P360
Go west to Room 2, occupied by Courtney.
Aroma Girl Courtney
(Lv7 Cottonee, Lv8 Flabebe)
Prize: P224
Head south for Room 3, where there’s Daz and Hanako the final Gym Trainers.
Youngster Daz
(Lv6-7 Snubbull x2)
Prize: P112
Fairy Tale[F] Hanako
(Lv8 all Spritzee, Swirlix)
Prize: P480
Go south again to meet Fernando. He’s still super green as far as being a Gym Leader goes, a job passed onto him from his grandfather the former Gym Leader, but we’ll give him a chance.
Leader Fernando
(Lv11 Clefairy, Lv11 Ralts, Lv13 Jigglypuff)
Prize: P1300
Clefairy Moves: Rock Smash, Charming Cry, ???, ???
Ralts Moves: Confusion, Charming Cry, Disable, ???
Jigglypuff Moves: Charming Cry, Defense Curl, ???, ???
No Badge alongside the cash because young Fernando suddenly becomes a sore loser! Dude, really? He storms out of the Gym, outside we are approached by the Day-Care Man and he says Fernando has run off to the Wisp Forest without any Pokemon! Wisp Forest is beyond Seros Path. Unbelievable.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 3-4]
Mareep {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Bunnelby {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Nidoran[both] {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Ralts {Psychic/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Spritzee {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Shellos [Pink] {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Flowers:
Flabebe {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
Head north through grass and flowers to face Jenson and then Lanessa.
Youngster Jenson
(Lv4 Buneary, Lv5 Mareep)
Prize: P80
Lass Lanessa
(Lv4 Ralts, Lv5 Snubbull)
Prize: P80
You’ll find a bush after the grass area above steps, check it for a Nest Ball. Behind the fence up top is a Potion, then carry on into the (apparently) haunted Wisp Forest. Damn it, Fernando.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 5-8]
Pumpkaboo {Ghost/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Burmy {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gastly {Ghost/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Shroomish {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Duskull {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Shuppet {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Phantump {Ghost/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Litwick {Ghost/Fire} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
If you manage to catch a Shuppet and hurry back to show it to the Super Nerd at Celanto Condominiums you’ll receive a Dusk Stone from him. Follow the path east to Dmitri.
Bug Catcher Dmitri
(Lv9 all Weedle, Kakuna)
Prize: P108
Past him, check the bare patch in the grass for a Super Potion before continuing up. Turn right to find a Cleanse Tag in the grass. Just up north is a tree stump, check it for an Antidote and then you can take on Shiro.
Youngster Shiro
(Lv8 all Litleo, Budew)
Prize: P128
Head west then circle round to the northeast because we don’t have HM Cut, and there’s Fernando. He apologises and gives us the Mystic Badge. Thank goodness, no further drama from him. We’ll return to the Day-Care with him and his grandfather rewards us with HM01 Cut! Go back to the Gym and speak to Fernando for the TM prize – TM03 Charming Cry. New items are now available at the Mart:
Great Ball P600
Super Potion P700
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Escape Rope P550
Back to Wisp Forest so we can make use of our first HM. Make your way to the northwest side to pick up a Super Potion. Carry on south from where we found Fernando and move up to meet Cadence before you can go for TM10 Hidden Power above her.
Hex Maniac Cadence
(Lv9 Pumpkaboo, Lv10 Murkrow, Lv9 Shuppet)
Prize: P320
Done, back to Seros Village’s northwest side and clear the trees. Prof. Redwood stops us before we can step through that opening, it turns out to be the one he has been looking for. He goes to get Coulter and together we go in.
Up ahead is another Ancient Tablet, this one with an image of a Tangrowth. Redwood sees something written below and remembers that he has a friend named Herschel who studied the language. We’ll need his help, he has gone to the Museum in Aerous City.
If you got time to spare rush back to Archan Town and cut the tree there to pick up a Super Potion and discover the Hidden Grotto we heard about, just approach the darker shade between the trees on the right and go in to pick up TM39 Rock Tomb. Afterwards head out east of Seros Village.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 4-6]
Shinx {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Starly {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Snubbull {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Skiddo {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Litleo {Fire/Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Blitzle {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 15-20]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-6]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-23]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-35]
Gyarados {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Seaking {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
In the grass area above, move up and check the bare spot in the top left corner for a Potion. First person we see is Harry.
Youngster Harry
(Lv4 Phanpy, Lv5 Fletchling)
Prize: P80
Go south, in the southwest grass is Phoebe.
Lass Phoebe
(Lv5 Skiddo)
Prize: P80
What she’s referring to is the Hidden Grotto on the left, go in to find a Lv6 Venonat that can be caught. Then carry on east, you’ll see a TM ball above a ledge and an item ball south of the fence below, that’s a Super Repel. Next is Michael.
Bug Catcher Michael
(Lv12 all Caterpie, Surskit)
Prize: P144
Past him is a big pond, near the first bridge are Lisa and Lois.
Twins Lisa & Lois
(Lv9 all Fletchling & Wingull)
Prize: P216
Go north then northwest to find Spencer.
Ninja Boy Spencer
(Lv11-12 Zubat x2)
Prize: P480
Above him is a rock wall leading to the home of the Yellow Shard Tutor. We’ll pay him a visit someday. Back to the pond, after the twins we’ll see Jon.
Camper Jon
(Lv12 Lillipup, Lv13 Taillow)
Prize: P260
Southeast from him is Arthur and TM12 Taunt.
Gentleman Arthur
(Lv14 Chatot)
Prize: P1008
Step off the bridge on the east side, check the bare spot in the grass for an X Attack and walk into town.
[004] AEROUS CITY – “The Cultural Capital City.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Name Rater’s House
– Bicycle Shop
– Aerous Art Club
– Aerous City Museum
– Aerous City Port
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 17-19]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Mantyke {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Lapras {Water/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-6]
Finneon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-24]
Finneon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Shellder {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Lumineon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Cloyster {Water/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600
Potion P300 Super Potion P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
Before we search for Herschel, let’s explore.
There’s a queue outside the Art Club, don’t worry about it yet, climb the staircase on the side of the building to reach cafe. Speak to the big man to get a Nugget. The Lass at the south table is ready to battle if you are.
Lass Essa
(Lv12 all Pansage, Panpour, Pansear)
Prize: P192
Even if you join the queue nothing happens, so leave it for now. South of town is the Port but no entry. North side has the home of a Gentleman who’ll sell you an Amulet Coin for P5000. Further north is a portion of Archan Hills where we find Oppos’ house. He specialises in Inverse Battles, which means that type matchups are flipped around e.g. Ground > Rock is now Ground < Rock and so on. Interesting. Take him on whenever you’re ready.
Proprietor Oppos
(Lv11 Drilbur, Lv11 Lombre, Lv12 Goomy)
Prize: P192
Drilbur Moves: Scratch, ???, ???, ???
Lombre Moves: Absorb, Bubble, ???, ???
Goomy Moves: Absorb, Bubble, Tackle, ???
If you remember the Trick Master from Gen 3 then just know that Oppos employs a similar mechanic of checking up on him from time to time to challenge him again and again until he has had enough. Behind his house is Becca and Harbor Mail. Don’t throw away that Harbor Mail.
Lass Becca
(Lv13 all Snubbull, Flabebe)
Prize: P208
In the grass on the left is a Revive. Back to town and head northeast. The old woman outside the Mart will give you a Revival Herb. That’s a Pokeball above the parked bicycles. You’ll need a million Pokedollars/pesos/pounds/rands/drachmas to purchase a Bike so forget about it. Next door from the Bike Shop is a guy who’ll need the Harbor Mail so he can write to his girl. In exchange he’ll give us TM34 Shock Wave.
We’ll learn that a gang has taken over another city called Telmurk. Is that you Team Skull…?
Standing at the entrance of the Musuem is a shady looking fellow who tries to lie to us about what’s going on inside but we don’t believe him. Who is this guy??
Museum Clerk
(Lv14 all Natu, Bunnelby)
Prize: P840
He runs inside to inform his boss. The plot thickens 🙂
The next floor has been rented by an unknown organisation it seems. Are they holding an anime convention or something? You can buy Pokedolls from the counter on the right. The guy by the bookshelves says we should come back later to get Relic Balls from him. Guarding the staircase is a Mysterious Grunt.
Mysterious Grunt
(Lv15 all Hoothoot, Natu)
Prize: P480
Mysterious Grunt
(Lv15 Roggenrola)
Prize: P480
It’s the next guy who gives us the name of this mysterious group – the New Elders!
New Elders Grunt
(Lv15 Omanyte)
Prize: P480
Past him is a scene in progress: an unidentified woman is trying to persuade Herschel to help them with their plans but Herschel declines. When the Grunt nearby tells her that we’re here, they soon leave. Herschel is unharmed and after seeing our Redwood Card he finds out about why we are here. He’ll wait for us at the city exit so we can travel together. At the end of the corridor, stand on the stool and interact with the wall to discover a painting that has a combination lock. We’ll just make a note of it for now until we get the right password.
The queue is no longer there now so let’s go in to see some paintings. Leave one spot free in your party too.
We’ve heard a little bit about the artist known as Vincent, whose works are on display. His followers each use Smeargle that have learned different moves. They occupy the corridor heading west. Get ready.
Painter Melissa
(Lv16 Smeargle)
Prize: P256
Smeargle Moves: Dual Chop, Bonemerang, Double Kick, Double Hit
Painter Madelaine
(Lv16 Smeargle)
Prize: P256
Smeargle Moves: Quick Attack, Bullet Punch, Aqua Jet, ???
Painter Candice
(Lv16 Smeargle)
Prize: P256
Smeargle Moves: Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, Dragon Tail, ???
Painter Beverley
(Lv16 Smeargle)
Prize: P256
Smeargle Moves: Solarbeam, Sky Attack, Skull Bash, Razor Wind
Vincent is as passionate about Pokemon battles as he is about art, he will be the very first opponent we’ve faced so far who has a full team. Let the exhibition begin!
Art Master Vincent
(Lv16-18 Smeargle x6)
Prize: P1080
Smeargle 1 Moves: Leer, Howl, Tackle, ???
Smeargle 2 Moves: Drain Punch, Horn Leech, Leech Life, ???
Smeargle 3 Moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, ???
Smeargle 4 Moves: Defense Curl, Ice Ball, Rollout, ???
Smeargle 5 Moves: Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
Smeargle 6 Moves: Sand Tomb, Clamp, Whirlpool, Fire Spin
Because he only trains Smeargle he won’t need the Pokemon Egg that he got from one of his fans so we receive it. An Eevee will hatch from it sooner or later. Be aware that it is the only Eevee in the game so choose your evolution form wisely. Leave and go meet up with Herschel. We automatically return to Archan Tunnel and watch the man try crack the code…but he only manages to identify a little bit, something about the Earth waking up and a place called Apex Temple which is at the top of Mt. Ignis. The Elders of Orbtus kept their knowledge there and perhaps we might find answers about the tremors there. Redwood gives us the HM which will help us get there – HM06 Rock Smash. Herschel leaves, Redwood clears away the rocks below and opens a path which leads to Nestpine Climb.
-1F- (Section C)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 9-11]
Roggenrola {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Aron {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Dwebble {Bug/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Larvitar {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
First person we see is Byron.
Hiker Byron
(Lv15 all Shieldon, Geodude)
Prize: P540
Past him, check the first rock pile you see for Iron. Below the steps is Haskel.
Black Belt Haskel
(Lv15 Mienfoo, Lv16 Scraggy)
Prize: P384
South from him is TM21 Frustration and to the east is a ladder.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 8-12]
Paras {Bug/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Numel {Fire/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Drilbur {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Aron {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Joltik {Bug/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Larvitar {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Straightforward area, just going northeast to the next ladder.
[Same Pokemon]
On the far left is Mako. After that, onwards to the next ladder.
Hiker Mako
(Lv14 Aron, Lv15 Dwebble)
Prize: P540
[Same Pokemon]
And we’ve reached the exit.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 14-16]
Spearow {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Phanpy {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Munna {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Timburr {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Fletchling {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Abra {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Meditite {Fighting/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 23-26]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-16]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-23]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Whiscash {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Seaking {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
We are at the top of the path which comes from Celanto Path, no rocks are in the way now. Head south to pick up a Regal Stone, we can make a quick run back to the Reliquia Ruins to catch Pokemon there and pick up a Hyper Potion (from the bare spot in the grass area on the left) and a Revive (from the northeast grass area). If you want to add Drifloon to your collection catch a spare Elgyem, someone much later on will want to trade. You can also return to the very first section of Archan Tunnel (from Archan Town) and clear the rocks there. In that northeast area is an old lady who gives us TM27 Return. There’s a Super Potion and a ladder, leads to a small area and exit, you’ll pop up on the north side of town to get a Rare Candy. Back to Nestpine Climb and carry on east to meet Martha.
Battle Girl Martha
(Lv17 all Mankey, Timburr)
Prize: P408
Don’t mind the Hiker, that Bug Catcher is the Trainer.
Bug Catcher Brett
(Lv17 Paras x2, Lv19 Butterfree)
Prize: P228
Go to the top of the steps to pick up a Nugget and a Burn Heal from the stump. Southeast from there we find Lucy.
Picnicker Lucy
(Lv17 all Joltik, Emolga)
Prize: P340
If you would like to add Drowzee to your collection be sure to catch an extra Abra, someone in the next town will want to trade. Check that little stump on the right for Charcoal. At the top of the next set of steps is the Cliffside Shaman, he’ll heal your party anytime if you defeat him.
Shaman Yoshiro
(Lv18 Absol)
Prize: P216
Northwest from him, ignore the ledge, is Ralph.
Black Belt Ralph
(Lv18 all Timburr, Croagunk)
Prize: P432
Check that stone above him for 5 Yellow Shards. Up the steps to find a Hidden Grotto that’s occupied by a Lv15 Maractus. The tree stump on the right has Calcium, then continue east to see July.
Aroma Girl July
(Lv18 Roselia, Lv19 Floette)
Prize: P532
Past her is a short path going south, leads to a Fire Stone. Beyond the grass is civilisation, at last.
[005] NESTPINE TOWN – “The Mountainside Nest on Mt. Ignis.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Move Deleter’s House
– Frostbite Cave
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 5-19]
Wooper {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-14]
Wooper {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-24]
Wooper {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Wooper {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Quagsire {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600
Potion P300 Super Potion P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
What’s good in Nestpine? First off we find out that Rayquaza is on one of Mt. Ignis’ peaks, great. Some shady people have been seen skulking around Frostbite Cave on the southeast side of town…hmm, not great xD.
The person who wants an Abra is Jazzy the Hex Maniac who lives next to the PokeCenter. At the PC is a Bird Keeper who will swap your Pokemon’s Pokeballs for Nest Balls.
The girlfriend of the guy who needed Harbor Mail lives here, next to the Mart. Standing at the Gym entrance is Rival Coulter, fresh off of winning the Badge and looking to battle us if you’re ready. Couldn’t he let us earn a Badge too and then we fight on equal ground?
Rival Coulter
(Lv20 Makuhita, Swablu, Roggenrola, Lv22 Starter)
Prize: P352
**BATTLE NOTES: Coulter’s got a Super Potion.
Makuhita Moves: Fake Out, Focus Energy, Force Palm, Sand Attack
Swablu Moves: Peck, Astonish, ???, ???
Roggenrola Moves: Rock Blast, Iron Defense, ???, ???
He heard from Prof. Redwood about the Apex Temple and is on his way there. We get the Exp. Share from him, not bad. Next up we step into the Gym and aim for that second Badge.
Leader: Aria – “The Circling Songbird.”
Music and Flying Pokemon are the combo theme of this place. Why music? Because the puzzle involves a little game of Simon Says (Chatot version). Move up to meet the first Gym Trainer, the Kaiser himself.
Bird Keeper Wilhelm
(Lv19 Taillow x2)
Prize: P456
There are 3 corridors, each with a puzzle to be solved. Wilhelm stands in front of the center one. Go up and stand on the floor button, watch the musical note pattern and step on the Chatot tiles in that same pattern: Blue, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow. After clearing it continue up to Jane.
Lass Jane
(Lv20 Swablu)
Prize: P320
Back to the entrance area and go right, Gordon’s there.
Bug Catcher Gordon
(Lv20 Ledian)
Prize: P240
This next pattern is a little trickier: Yellow, Blue, Red, Blue, Yellow, Red. Beyond it is Cedric and another dead end.
Rocker Cedric
(Lv19 all Fletchinder, Emolga)
Prize: P456
Head west for the final puzzle: Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red. Then there’s Peter.
Bird Keeper Peter
(Lv19 all Murkrow, Togetic)
Prize: P456
Let’s bring the high flying Aria back down to earth…or crash and burn while trying to!
Leader Aria
(Lv21 Vullaby, Lv21 Gligar, Lv23 Chatot)
Prizes: P2300 + Plume Badge + TM19 Roost
Vullaby Moves: Scary Face, Aerial Ace, Leer, ???
Gligar Moves: Fury Cutter, Knock Off, Quick Attack, ???
Chatot Moves: Aerial Ace, Chatter, Growl, ???
Seriously? Roost?? Why not Aerial Ace? It’s not like some other Gym Leader will give it to us haha, come on. I hope the remaining Gym Leaders don’t give us lousy TMs too. Leave the Gym and you can do some shopping for new stock:
Hyper Potion P1200
Revive P1500
Super Repel P500
Next, we explore Frostbite Cave and search for those shady characters in it. Bring Pokemon that can smash rocks.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 16-19]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Spheal {Ice/Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Roggenrola {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Mime Jr. {Psychic/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 27-29]
Sealeo {Ice/Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 11-14]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 22-24]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
Go up, check that red mineral in the rock for a Nugget and meet Morton.
Psychic Morton
(Lv18 Munna, Lv19 Psyduck)
Prize: P380
Check the green mineral for an Ether. Up top you’ll find a blue mineral, get a Hyper Potion from it and continue to face Finley.
Psychic Finley
(Lv20 Solrock)
Prize: P400
Below the following steps are 2 rocks, smash the one on the right to get 3 Blue Shards. Further south is a ladder, a blue mineral with an Antidote and a Thunder Stone.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 17-20]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swinub {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Spheal {Ice/Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Bergmite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 27-29]
Sealeo {Ice/Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 7-19]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-24]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
If you want a Slowbronite catch a spare Slowpoke, we’ll meet someone very soon who wants to see one. Up the steps and before going on to confront that Grunt, check the green mineral on the left for an Ice Heal. What do the New Elders want here?
New Elders Grunt
(Lv20 all Diggersby, Noctowl)
Prize: P640
So now we know which shady characters we will be dealing with, no problem. Check that blue mineral up top for 5 Blue Shards and then you can pick up the Full Heal on the left. Continue east, picking up a Nugget from the red mineral, then onto the next Grunt and ladder.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv23 Golett)
Prize: P736
Pokemon Found [Levels: 17-20]
Snorunt {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Bergmite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swinub {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Vanillite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Delibird {Ice/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
How do you feel about frozen floor puzzles? Because we find one here 🙂 fortunately it isn’t on the level of Pryce’s Gym or Ice Path in Johto so we won’t be here for too long, I think. Slide onto the ice from the middle then slide east and up to get that Iron. Back to the starting area and this time slide onto the ice from the right, then left, up, right, up, right, down, left and up. As soon as we step off the ice there’s a tremor!
A cut scene is shown from somewhere in this cave. A Grunt asks his superior, a woman named Eunice, if they should be here when there are these tremors. She tells him to follow his orders and they climb a ladder. Eunice huh? Is she the one who was at the Museum?
Back to us, if you head northeast you’ll reach a big ice rock that will evolve Eevee into Glaceon. In the top right corner above that rock, check the smaller rock for a Relic Silver. Looks to be a collector item. Continue north to another Grunt and the next ladder a little further on.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv20-21 Tangela x2)
Prize: P672
Pokemon Found [Levels: 17-20]
Vanillite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Swinub {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Snorunt {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Chimecho {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Below the ladder are 3 rocks, check the bottom one for a Rare Candy. A few steps east is another Grunt but he’s not the battling type. Those 4 rocks above him, check the far right one for 5 Blue Shards. The next Grunt though…
New Elders Grunt
(Lv20 Yanma, Lv21 Relicanth)
Prize: P672
Check the rock she was standing next to for an Ice Heal. Slide onto the ice from the right, then left, down and right to the Grunt and the ItemFinder that he’s guarding. Get it!
New Elders Grunt
(Lv21 all Shieldon, Swinub)
Prize: P672
That far right rock has a Pokeball. Slide onto the ice, check the rock directly below you for an Antidote. Then slide up, left, down, left, down and left onto the next rest stop. From there slide up onto the ice, then left, down, right and down to reach a ledge. Below it on the southwest side are 2 rocks, smash the top one to get 3 Red Shards, then the Protein before going for the ladder.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 18-20]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Snorunt {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bergmite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Cryogonal {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Swinub {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Small area that has 4 ladders, one which we can’t get to until we come back with some Strength. In the bottom right corner smash the bottom rock to get 3 Blue Shards then the PP Up. Ignore the northeast ladder, go for the west one that takes us back to 4F so we can get a Nevermeltice, 3 Green Shards from the smashed middle rock and TM07 Shadow Claw. Back to 5F and climb that north ladder and watch a brief cut scene.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 18-20]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Vanillite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bergmite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Roggenrola {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Spheal {Ice/Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Delibird {Ice/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
We see Eunice asking for a status report from her Grunts and it is confirmed that they have captured a dormant Regice (!) damn. She notices us and after recognising us from the Museum she tells us to run along. You’ll then have a chance to move around a bit and prepare, after that try to walk past Eunice. She’ll stop us and has one of the Grunts battle us.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv20 Baltoy, Lv21 Diggersby, Lv20 Binacle)
Prize: P672
When you want something done right you’re better off doing it yourself, as Eunice will demonstrate now after sending the other Grunt off to continue. Then she formally introduces herself as an Elder Knight of the New Elders. Great, our very first Boss Battle is against a Knight.
Elder Knight Eunice
(Lv24 Snover, Lv24 Froslass, Lv26 Amaura, Lv24 Noctowl)
Prize: P1040
– Snover & Amaura have the Snow Warning Ability.
– Froslass has the Snow Cloak Ability.
– Noctowl has the Insomnia Ability.
Snover Moves: Razor Leaf, Icy Wind, Ice Shard, ???
Froslass Moves: Icy Wind, Astonish, Ice Shard, ???
Amaura Moves: Mist, AncientPower, Aurora Beam, ???
Noctowl Moves: Peck, Reflect, Confusion, ???
Not too bad. She accepts defeat but warns us not to tell anyone, especially when a whole new age is coming and all, you know. Can’t wait 🙂
[006] WINDMIST CITY – “An Icy Pocket in the Mountain.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Windmist Knick-knack Store
– Windmist Timber Guild
– Mt. Ignis Cable Car
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600
Potion P300 Super Potion P700
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
Fresh mountain air and the high chance of catching a serious cold because we came up here totally underdressed for this kind of climate, good times 🙂 let’s keep warm by looking around.
Speaking of warming up, the first person we see is Abbie and she asks us for a battle to draw up some heat.
Explorer Abbie
(Lv21 all Cubchoo, Snover)
Prize: P840
Next door to the Mart speak to the Ace Trainer to get an Ability Pill. He also informs us that we can buy more at a place called the Battle Marsh, using Battle Points (48 of them) :/
At the Timber Guild we learn that there’s a monster which is causing trouble north of town in the woods of Windmist Summit. Noted. Speak to the Black Belt to get Charcoal.
At the Knick-knack Store, speak to the Hiker and see what’s on offer:
Charcoal P9800 Berry Juice P100
Nevermeltice P100 Escape Rope P550
Fresh Water P200 Wood Mail P50
EnergyPowder P500
Ice Heal P250
Lava Cookie P200
The lady at the counter sells Secret Potion for P500, it’s a Key Item so get it. After that she’ll just sell Moomoo Milk. The Fisherman chilling in the right side corner is the person who wants to see a Slowpoke.
At the PokeCenter speak to the Picnicker for a Choice Scarf. To the east of town are the Edamist Heights while the Cable Car is to the south. The Gym is locked, so let’s head north and see if we can find the monster. Dare I say, are we aspiring….Monster Hunters? I’ll see myself out 🙂
Pokemon Found [Levels: 18-21]
Cubchoo {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Mienfoo {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Teddiursa {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Herdier {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Snover {Grass/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Sneasel {Dark/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Hoothoot {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Noctowl {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
Head all the way up until you see a grass area below a ledge on the right, the ItemFinder will lead you to an HP Up in the bare spot. On the left is Milan.
Kindler Milan
(Lv22 all Ponyta x2)
Prize: P704
Carry on west then follow the path going south to meet Davina.
Battle Girl Davina
(Lv22 Hawlucha)
Prize: P528
Continue down to pick up that TM18 Aurora Beam. Return up top to the Hiker who saw people going further on to the Apex Temple, the path is split. On the left side is a stump that has a Hyper Potion while Harleigh the Explorer is on the right, in serious need of a box of tissues xD.
Explorer Harleigh
(Lv23 all Nidorina, Nidorino)
Prize: P920
Hiding behind a tree a bit further up from her is Marcas.
Ninja Boy Marcas
(Lv23 all Stunky, Bellsprout)
Prize: P920
Once above the steps turn south to pick up another Hyper Potion. According to the signpost, further up is Ignis Roost and Apex Temple while further east is Ignis Valley. The only thing we can do for now in the valley is pick up TM47 Steel Wing from a rock hill just above from the entrance. Strength is needed. North from the signpost is Brandon.
Kindler Brandon
(Lv23 all Pansear, Charmeleon)
Prize: P736
There’s a Revive on the stump above him. The left path leads to the Rimewood Forest where the monster should be but the Black Belt won’t let us pass, for our own safety :/ so continue north to Olympia.
Explorer Olympia
(Lv23 all Staravia, Swellow, Pidgeotto)
Prize: P920
Northeast from her is an Ice Heal. Just before reaching the steps to the temple we’re stopped by Rival Coulter, who is cool enough to heal the party before racing off towards the temple. Why are Rivals always in a rush, xD?
Pokemon Found [Levels: 19-21]
Golett {Ground/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Pidgeotto {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Baltoy {Ground/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bronzor {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Chingling {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Sigilyph {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
First Grunt spotted.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv23 all Xatu, Boldore)
Prize: P736
Past him we see Coulter battling another one, he tells us to go ahead. Only the Grunt on the right won’t battle. Near that one on the left is a Hyper Potion.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv23 all Yanma x2)
Prize: P736
New Elders Grunt
(Lv23 Nosepass, Bronzor)
Prize: P736
They got Regice and now they are here for Regirock, damn. Will we make it in time?
New Elders Grunt
(Lv23 Graveler, Relicanth)
Prize: P736
He mentions the name of the boss he’s working for, Enoch. Another Elder Knight or someone higher up? Continue into the temple and let’s find out.
Head up for another Grunt.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv24 all Kabuto, Cranidos)
Prize: P768
The writing on these massive slabs resembles that which is on the Ancient Tablet in Archan Town. There’s a Single battle on the left, Double Battle on the right.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv25 Noctowl)
Prize: P800
New Elders Grunts
(Lv22 all Anorith & Lileep)
Prize: P1408
And in classic Pokemon game fashion, we are too late. Enoch has obtained the artefact needed to awaken Regirock. These New Elders claim to be doing good, to cleanse this modern world of corruption and so on. Textbook villains xD. No Boss Battle this time, Enoch and the crew leave immediately. Coulter shows up, heals our Pokemon and finds out more about the New Elders. He suggests we look around here for clues about where they could be going next. Read the old book, which has a picture of an unidentified Pokemon and an island. Coulter says we should take the book to Redwood, to contact him we can use the phone at the Windmist PokeCenter.
Back in town we’ve spoken to Redwood and moments later he arrives. He sees the picture and says the spire in it is of Sabulo Tower which is on the island of the same name. A ship called the S.S. Wake goes there from Aerous City. But Redwood doesn’t want us rushing into danger, not until we prove ourselves by defeating resident Gym Leader Nina. She has reopened the Gym, so get ready.
Leader: Nina – “The Furnace in the Snow!”
Fire-type Gym out here in the mountains? Makes sense. There’s an ice wall obstacle ahead of us, we have to defeat that Kindler to get rid of it.
Kindler Hector
(Lv24-25 Numel x2)
Prize: P800
Beyond the wall is the first real puzzle of this Gym – ice floor. Slide up to the north wall then to the right between the blocks and left to face the far left block. Slide down, left and up under that same block and then to the right and continue east to meet Barry.
Kindler Barry
(Lv24 Pansear, Lv25 Simisear)
Prize: P800
Slide onto the ice from the right side, turn and continue right to the ice block. Up, right, up under the far right block, left, up under the top center block, right, up, left, down, right and slide up all the way off the ice to battle Amit the final Gym Trainer.
Kindler Amit
(Lv24 Litleo, Lv25 Monferno)
Prize: P800
Proceed on to the last ice floor. Step onto it from the middle, sliding left until you reach one of the far left blocks. Then down, right, up, right, up, right, down, left and up to Nina. With all those fire-related questions she asks us, who knows, she could be a future hot-headed quiz master in the making 🙂 Badge #3, get it!
Leader Nina
(Lv26 Pignite, Lv26 Magmar, Lv26 Heatmor, Lv28 Camerupt)
Prizes: P2800 + Ember Badge + TM43 Flame Charge
**BATTLE NOTES: Nina has a Super Potion.
– Pignite has the Blaze Ability.
– Magmar has the Flame Body Ability.
– Heatmor has the Flash Fire Ability.
– Camerupt has the Magmar Armor Ability.
Pignite Moves: Arm Thrust, Smog, Rollout, Flame Charge
Magmar Moves: Flame Charge, Leer, ThunderPunch, ???
Heatmor Moves: Hone Claws, Lick, Fury Swipes, ???
Camerupt Moves: Amnesia, Magnitude, Rock Slide, Flame Charge
Nicely done. New stock at all Marts:
Ultra Ball P1200
Full Heal P600
Max Repel P700
Outside the Gym Redwood sees us and lets us know that he now has the machine part needed for his Fossil Revival computer! Excellent. He also gives us a Bike Voucher. You can travel back to Aerous City with him right away and catch the S.S. Wake to Sabulo Island or make your way there at your own pace if you want to do other things first. Decisions, decisions…
Back in Aerous City Redwood says his farewells. He tells us to be careful with those New Elders out and about and that he’ll try to find out more from the old book. At the Port the boat hasn’t even returned yet, while we wait we can battle the Sailor who’s there.
Sailor Braveston
(Lv25 Mantine)
Prize: P800
Soon enough the ship arrives and it’s time to board. Mini island holiday coming up!
[007] SABULO ISLAND – “The Isle of Potential.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Sabulo Tower
– Sabulo Cave
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 18-22]
Frillish[both] {Water/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 12-20]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-23]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Gorebyss {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Huntail {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
All that’s missing here to complete the look of the place is a nice volcano just waiting to blow 🙂 such is island life. Let’s explore.
From the Port go to the house on the left, it’s home to Fisherman Reuben who will give us the Good Rod if you can defeat him.
Fisherman Reuben
(Lv25 all Basculin[B], Lombre, Castform)
Prize: P900
Usually the Fishermen we meet are eager to pass on their Fishing Rods but for Reuben if you choose to take the Good Rod from him, his fishing days are done :/ his housemate mentions a place called Valoon Town, HM Surf is needed to reach it.
The Ace Trainer who lives next to the PokeCenter gives us TM23 Grass Knot. At the house on the southern side, speak to the Battle Girl to get a TwistedSpoon.
We learn about the strongest Trainer here, a woman named Belle who gives a Mega Ring to Trainers with potential. Hmm, Mega Evolution…
West of town is Sabulo Cross while Sabulo Cave is to the northeast. An old man stands at the entrance to keep people out. We’ll be back later, for now we can go and find out the secrets of Mega Evolution at the Sabulo Tower.
Simple mission – climb to the top and try to earn a Mega Ring. Ready?
Expert Nicholi
(Lv27 Glameow, Lv29 Diggersby, Lv27 Teddiursa, Lv27 Herdier)
Prize: P580
Expert Maya
(Lv27 Skiddo, Lv27 Jumpluff, Lv29 Grovyle, Lv27 Wormadam [Bug/Grass])
Prize: P580
Ace Trainer Atsushi
(Lv27 Litleo, Lv29 Larvesta, Lv27 Numel, Lv27 Fletchinder)
Prize: P1044
Ace Trainer Mikel
(Lv27 Barboach, Lv27 Mantine, Lv27 Basculin[R], Lv29 Basculin(B)]
Prize: P1044
– 5F-
Agem stands between us and Belle as the final Trainer.
Expert Agem
(Lv30 Goomy, Lv30 Dragonair, Lv30 Tyrunt, Lv32 Gabite)
Prize: P640
We’ve finally reached the top, you can do last minute prep before stepping forward to hear from Belle. Show her that you have all the qualities needed to grasp Mega Evolution!
Successor Belle
(Lv30 Heracross, Lv30 Manectric, Lv30 Sableye, Lv30 Mawile, Lv32 Audino)
Prizes: P2304 + Mega Ring
– Heracross has the Swarm Ability. Holding a Silk Scarf.
– Manectric has the Static Ability. Holding a Magnet.
– Sableye has the Keen Eye Ability. Holding Blackglasses.
– Mawile has the Hyper Cutter Ability. Holding a Metal Coat.
– Mega Audino has the Healer Ability. Holding an Audinite.
Heracross Moves: Leer, Aerial Ace, Tackle, Fury Attack
Manectric Moves: Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang, Bite, Quick Attack
Sableye Moves: Fake Out, Shadow Sneak, Detect, Knock Off
Mawile Moves: Fake Tears, Astonish, Fairy Wind, ???
Mega Audino Moves: Attract, Charming Cry, Double Slap, Doll Eyes
In battles you press Start to trigger Mega Evolution when you see the symbol. It doesn’t matter how much time goes, to me Mega Evolution is like Pokemon’s response to Digivolution haha, think about it: both are not permanent, both involve Trainers/Tamers having a bond of some kind with their Pokemon/Digimon and both require special items and devices in order for evolution to happen. But I do prefer Mega Evolution over what has come out since, you know what I’m talking about – Z Crystals, Z Moves and whatever the [CENSORED] Dynamaxing is, xD. Maybe I’m just too old.
Once we step outside we hear a sudden explosion! Cut to Sabulo Cave where the source of the quake emerges – Regirock!! Belle comes out of the tower to find out what happened. She heals our team and after learning that the explosion came from Sabulo Cave she has to stay behind to watch over the tower, leaving us to go ahead. Get ready if you need to because before we can even reach Regirock, Enoch and his pals appear to get in our way. Back to back battles.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv28 all Noctowl, Diggersby)
Prize: P896
New Elders Grunt
(Lv28 all Diggersby, Noctowl)
Prize: P896
Then the boss himself steps up, here we go.
Elder Knight Enoch
(Lv30 Tyrantrum, Lv30 Diggersby, Lv30 Golurk, Lv32 Aerodactyl)
Prize: P1280
– Tyrantrum has the Strong Jaw Ability.
– Diggersby has the Pickup Ability.
– Golurk has the Iron Fist Ability.
– Aerodactyl has the Rock Head Ability.
Tyrantrum Moves: Stealth Rock, Bite, AncientPower, ???
Diggersby Moves: Swords Dance, Take Down, Double Kick, ???
Golurk Moves: Magnitude, Iron Defense, Shadow Punch, Mega Punch
Aerodactyl Moves: Supersonic, AncientPower, Bite, Fire Fang
This fight is irrelevant?? So why did you battle us then, xD? This guy. Jokes aside, Enoch immediately goes on to catch Regirock with a Relic Ball! Just like that, no Master Ball required. And off they go. So no chance of us getting to Registeel in time too, huh? Sabulo Cave is open though, why don’t we go in?
No wild encounters here, nothing in the first room. In the next one we find a Ragged Map and if you check the space above where that item was you’ll pick up a Rare Bone. Rival Coulter shows up, he was delayed in coming here by his run through Sabulo Tower (he was beaten). He checks out the map and sees a mark on it to indicate where the New Elders are headed next, but we’ll need Surf…and fortunately Coulter has one for us! HM03 acquired. He says he’ll meet us at Valoon Town, which also has a Gym. All good. On the way back to town we are stopped by Belle to thank us for (sort of) taking care of the Sabulo Cave event. If only she knew. We are presented with a Pokemon, depending on which Starter you chose: Ivysaur if you picked Chimchar, Charmeleon if it was Piplup or Wartortle if it was Turtwig and each Pokemon will be holding their final form’s respective Mega Stone. Charmeleon has the Y Charizite, I would hope the X version is somewhere in the game. After that head west for Sabulo Cross.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 23-27]
Swablu {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Jigglypuff {Normal/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Electrike {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Skitty {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Slowpoke {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 19-26]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Frillish {Water/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 35%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Mantyke {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 5-20]
Finneon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-23]
Finneon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Shellder {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Lumineon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Cloyster {Water/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Just on the left, blocked by 2 small trees, is a Star Piece. If you surf right round to the southwest side from there you’ll reach a Water Stone. Go south through the grass, meet Joanna and then jump into the water.
Picnicker Joanna
(Lv25 all Poliwhirl, Vaporeon)
Prize: P500
Surf south from her to a small island of rocks, check the small one on the right for 5 Yellow Shards. West from there is Celeste.
Swimmer[F] Celeste
(Lv27 Clamperl, Lv28 Shellder)
Prize: P112
A bit further north from her is Kristoff.
Swimmer[M] Kristoff
(Lv27 Wooper, Lv28 Quagsire)
Prize: P112
Further up from Kristoff are the waters of the Reliquia Ruins, the only thing of note there is an island that has a Shiny Stone. To the west is Aerous City and further south is Sharpgust Span and beyond that is Valoon Town. We’ll do a proper backtrack on the mainland when we at least get HM Fly, this is just in case we don’t get HM Rock Climb soon afterwards. West from Celeste is an island occupied by Felix and a Swimmer with info about the cave just up ahead.
Fisherman Felix
(Lv27 Finneon, Lv28 Azumarill)
Prize: P1008
The cave is a Secret Temple where you’ll find a Lv30 Marowak. Surf west from the temple to a rock island, check the south rock for a Hyper Potion. Head south to find Stephan.
Swimmer[M] Stephan
(Lv27 all Remoraid, Qwilfish, Clamperl)
Prize: P108
On the island below him is Esteban and TM31 Brick Break.
Fisherman Esteban
(Lv29 Mantine)
Prize: P1044
That’s all, back to Celeste and continue south.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 24-26]
Rufflet {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 50%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swablu {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Inkay {Dark/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Pelipper {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 25-26]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Frillish [Encounter Rate: 10%
– Old Rod [Levels: 7-19]
Remoraid {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-25]
Remoraid {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Carvanha {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Qwilfish {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Qwilfish {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Octillery {Water} [Encounter Rate: 35%]
Sharpedo {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Eventually you’ll see a female Ace Trainer on a beach of a big island and on the west side are a siblings team.
Sis & Bro Maya & Dave
(Lv28 all Huntail & Gorebyss)
Prize: P224
On the island is an old signpost with the last part of a faded poem and TM40 Aerial Ace. So there it is, but we were given Roost instead xD. Just southwest from the island is a much smaller island with a rock, check it for a Hyper Potion. On the southeast is a Dive spot in a portion of the Southsea Stretch. Check that small rock on the island below for 5 Blue Shards. Back to the siblings and continue south to Peggy the last Trainer.
Swimmer[F] Peggy
(Lv28 all Wailmer, Masquerain)
Prize: P112
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 25-28]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Carvanha {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 9%]
Inkay {Dark/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Dive [Levels: 32-36]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-18]
Remoraid {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-25]
Skrelp {Poison/Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Horsea {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Seadra {Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Skrelp {Poison/Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
At the south end is an island occupied by Natasha.
Triathlete Natasha
(Lv29 all Doduo x2)
Prize: P5800
As you surf east the path turns south, follow it southwest to pick up a Dusk Stone from the small island. Continue east to meet Hans before we swim into Valoon Way waters, where the weather suddenly shifts.
Swimmer[M] Hans
(Lv29 all Binacle, Barboach)
Prize: P116
Pokemon Found [Levels: 24-28]
Ekans {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Seviper {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Skorupi {Poison/Bug} [Encounter Rate: 20%
Yanma {Bug/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pansage {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Pansear {Fire} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Panpour {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Arbok {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 24-26]
Lombre {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-11]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-24]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Gyarados {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Whiscash {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Once on land, go east along the south side to find Nurse Olivia, she’ll heal your party anytime if you can defeat her.
Nurse Olivia
(Lv28 all Audino, Chansey)
Prize: P2016
Surf further east to a bush that has a Nest Ball. Climb the steps above Olivia and go east, cross the river and check the bare spot in the grass for an Elixir. Go back and as you head north to Eric there’s a sudden quake. Could it be…?
PokeManiac Eric
(Lv28-29 Aipom x2)
Prize: P1392
That was random. Surf west then up that river to find a Moon Stone. Back south and continue east on land to Doug.
PokeManiac Doug
(Lv29 all Loudred, Lopunny)
Prize: P1392
Cross the river and go east to an isolated grass area, check the bush on the right for a Rare Candy. Return to the other side, that’s Sammy in the tall grass.
Bug Catcher Sammy
(Lv32 all Mothim, Parasect)
Prize: P384
South from there is Colton.
Ace Trainer Colton
(Lv28 Numel, Lv29 Skarmory)
Prize: P1044
At the center of the tall grass on the right are 5 Chesto Berries. Surf up the river to reach Zinc then come back to cross the bridge into town, just in time for a cut scene.
[008] VALOON TOWN – “A Habitat for Pokemon and People.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Valoon Rangers Headquarters
– Blue Shard Meister’s House
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
A trio of Pokemon Rangers plan to check out a place called Nemesis Cave after that earthquake which happened. We’ll follow after them after we check out the town.
Check the bush next to the Mart for a Star Piece. At the house next door speak to the woman to trade Star Pieces for PP Ups anytime.
At the Blue Shard Meister’s place you can convert Water Stones to Blue Shards or the other way round, a certain number of Shards is required for move tutoring:
Blue Shards x2
– Iron Defense
Blue Shards x4
– Knock Off
Blue Shards x6
– Hyper Voice
Blue Shards x8
– Aqual Tail
– Earth Power
– Zen Headbutt
Blue Shards x10
– Super Power
– Drain Punch
– Dragon Pulse
– Dark Pulse
We find out that the Red Shard Meister is in a places called Ikos Town and the Green Meister can be found diving in the Southsea Stretch.
West of town is Telmurk Swamp, but we can’t go there because of the terrible gases.
If you enjoyed the Bug-Catching Contests at the National Park in Johto then you’re in luck, there are contests held by the Rangers. At the HQ, speak to the Ranger between the potted plants on the left to receive 15 Park Balls. If you run out just talk to him again. Only the first Pokemon you catch is the one you can enter into the Contest. The man seated on the left is Gym Leader Vernon, he has closed the Gym so that he take part in the Contest…but there’s not going to be a Contest until those Rangers come back from Nemesis Cave. Prepare if you need to and let’s go after them.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 26-29]
Tangela {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Ledyba {Bug/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Nuzleaf {Grass/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Petilil {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Cottonee {Grass/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Zangoose {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Carnivine {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 24-26]
Lombre {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Buizel {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-15]
Feebas {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 25-26]
Feebas {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Carvanha {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-35]
Sharpedo {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Milotic {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Politoed {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Catch a spare Zangoose if you want a Spiritomb, someone in town will want to trade. The first person we find is a Scientist who needs help: he can’t go into the Swamp to retrieve a tool he lost there. He’ll wait here for us to get it for him. Surf down the river all the way to the southwest where you find a Helix Fossil, nice. Surf back up into the lake, on the island is a Max Revive. Northeast from there is a stump with a Hyper Potion and a Hidden Grotto which has an Altarianite. Carry on northwest to Janae and our destination.
Pokemon Ranger Janae
(Lv29 all Pidgeotto, Carnivine)
Prize: P1044
Pokemon Found [Levels: 27-30]
Durant {Bug/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Paras {Bug/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Parasect {Bug/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Volbeat {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Illumise {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Foongus {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Heatmor {Fire} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 24-26]
Lombre {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Shellos [Pink] {Water} [Encounter Rate: 35%]
Palpitoad {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-19]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-24]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Basculin {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Basculin {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Go all the way north, you’ll see Amalia on the left.
Lass Amalia
(Lv32 Jumpluff)
Prize: P512
Surf across and circle round to the left side to battle Marlon.
Rocker Marlon
(Lv29 all Luxio, Boldore)
Prize: P696
The bridge below him leads to TM28 Dig. Then continue northeast from him to Ingrid.
Battle Girl Ingrid
(Lv29 Gurdurr, Lv30 Hariyama)
Prize: P720
Surf up to get a Nugget then battle Hideki.
Hiker Hideki
(Lv30 Nosepass, Lv33 Piloswine)
Prize: P1188
Check the rock pile below from him for a Rare Bone. Continue east after Ingrid, you’ll reach a Max Potion below steps. Go south and jump off the ledge, on the left is Mitch.
Black Belt Mitch
(Lv30 Hawlucha)
Prize: P720
In the top right corner from him is a big moss-covered rock, if you want Leafeon you get it by levelling up here. Surf south and circle round to the southeast for another Fossil, Old Amber. Head southwest from Mitch and jump down the ledge, we’re back in the first area. Go all the way northeast from Amalia, you’ll see a Bug Catcher looking from side to side.
Bug Catcher Koichi
(Lv29 all Wormadam[Bug/Steel], Durant)
Prize: P348
Eventually you’ll find another Ancient Tablet, depicting Lileep. Then one of the Rangers shows up, saying they’ve been investigating it and suspecting it to be linked to the earthquakes. He also tells us about a legend of a Pokemon which can make these Tablets react, but it wasn’t the Lileep they brought here. That’s interesting, because it would be easy to presume that the tablets would react if the depicted Pokemon was brought to them. The Ranger leaves after reminding us about the Bug-Catching Contest, that’s our cue to leave. Once you step out of the cave, a cut scene follows:
A new Elder Knight named Ezekiel and a couple of Grunts are just outside town, looking to be lost because one of the Grunts lost their map. So they leave to check another path. Eunice, Enoch and now there’s Ezekiel. Not good.
Back in town return to the Rangers HQ, now that the Rangers are done checking out Nemesis Cave the Contest is ready to begin. Choose one Pokemon that you’ll have in your party and speak to the Ranger standing by the north exit. Good luck!
Pokemon Found [Levels: 13-25]
Caterpie {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Weedle {Bug/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Wurmple {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Beautifly {Bug/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Beedrill {Bug/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Dustox {Bug/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Nincada {Bug/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Yanma {Bug/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Scyther {Bug/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Pinsir {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Heracross {Bug/Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
Larvesta {Bug/Fire} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Surf & Fishing [Levels: 12-25]
Surskit {Bug/Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
There’s a point system in the Contest: the higher the level of the Pokemon you catch, the more points you get. After you’ve caught a Pokemon the Contest ends and the judging begins. And for this Contest we’ll be in 3rd place by default, even if you got plenty of points xD madness. The prize was a Sitrus Berry. I managed to catch a Lv25 Scyther. 2nd place guy had 1 point for crying out loud and won an Everstone and no surprise 1st place with 466 points was Vernon, getting a Beedrillite for his efforts. Rigged! While it’s great that you can re-enter the Reserve again and again, each entry is for a new Contest so you’ll be at this for some time if you’re aiming to catch as many Pokemon as you like :/
…..Several hours later…..
Time for the Gym!
Leader: Vernon – “He wouldn’t harm a Joltik!”
For this Gym we’ll be activating Combee tiles in order to reach Vernon. Defeat the Gym Trainers and step on the Combee tiles to activate them. Starting off with James on the left then Claude on the right.
Bug Catcher James
(Lv31 all Wormadam [Grass, Ground & Steel versions])
Prize: P372
Bug Catcher Claude
(Lv31 all Anorith, Dwebble)
Prize: P372
Above them are Kent and Ruby.
Bug Catcher Kent
(Lv31 all Durant, Escavalier)
Prize: P372
Picnicker Ruby
(Lv31 Forretress)
Prize: P620
Keigo’s on the right and Cale on the left.
Ace Trainer Keigo
(Lv31 all Yanma, Yanmega)
Prize: P1116
Bug Catcher Cale
(Lv31 all Scyther, Pinsir)
Prize: P372
Here comes Vernon, who recognises us as the 3rd place contestant from the Contest. Gotta watch out for his Beedrill since he got a nice little prize for it.
Leader Vernon
(Lv34 Shuckle, Lv34 Masquerain, Lv34 Scizor, Lv36 Beedrill)
Prizes: P3600 + Honeycomb Badge + TM49 U-Turn
**BATTLE NOTES: Vernon has a Hyper Potion and a Full Heal.
– Shuckle has the Sturdy Ability.
– Masquerain has the Intimidate Ability.
– Scizor & Beedrill have the Swarm Ability, Mega Beedrill has Adaptability. Holding a Beedrillite.
Shuckle Moves: Sticky Web, Rock Slide, Withdraw, ???
Masquerain Moves: Air Cutter, U-Turn, Scald, ???
Scizor Moves: Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Slash, U-Turn
Mega Beedrill Moves: Aerial Ace, Pursuit, U-Turn, ???
Badge #4 acquired. Outside we meet up with Rival Coulter, he has also found out about the gases in Telmurk Swamp and so he prepped up by getting a pair of Gas Masks, giving us one. He’ll battle us in Telmurk City, no problem, I thought he was going to want a match right here and now.
As far as new Mart stock goes, only Max Potions have been added. The person who wants a Zangoose for his Spiritomb is old man Isaiah on the next floor of the Gate, after that let’s find out what’s the deal with this Swamp. Bring Pokemon that can Cut and Surf.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 29-33]
Oddish {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bellsprout {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gloom {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Weepinbell {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Shelmet {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Karrablast {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Ferroseed {Grass/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Goomy {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Swalot {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 27-29]
Wooper {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Grimer {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Tympole {Water} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-16]
Tympole {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 23-29]
Tympole {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Palpitoad {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Tympole {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Palpitoad {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Seismitoad {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
While we’re on a Bible theme, the first person we find out here is Elijah. Part time prophet, part time Ranger 🙂
Pokemon Ranger Elijah
(Lv32 all Ferroseed, Arbok)
Prize: P1152
Catch a spare Ferroseed if you would like a Beldum, we’ll meet someone much much later on who wants to trade. Past him is a pool of filthy water that you’ll have to surf across to reach a Lucky Egg. Totally worth it haha, unknown swamp water diseases be damned. Above the steps check the white mushrooms up top from Lisia for a TinyMushroom.
Pokemon Ranger Lisia
(Lv32 all Donphan, Swellow)
Prize: P1152
Another brown pool ahead, in the top right corner is a rock that has 5 Red Shards. Go all the way south then southwest to find a Broken Tool, that’s what the Scientist in Nemesis River wants. Hurry back to deliver it, but he identifies it as a Vs Seeker and not what he actually wanted. But he fixes it for us anyway. I still think the Match Call function of the PokeNav was far more superior than the Vs Seeker. No recharging needed and you would just open up the PokeNav to see which Trainers are ready for rematches or get a random call from them haha. From where you found the Tool carry on north to Raiden.
Bug Catcher Raiden
(Lv34 Accelgor)
Prize: P408
There’s a Hyper Potion on the north side of the pool and a Rare Candy blocked by a small tree on the northeast side. Head south to find Hank.
Bug Catcher Hank
(Lv34 Leavanny)
Prize: P408
At the bottom of the grass area on the left is an Elixir. South of the pool on the right, check the rock on the left for an Antidote before meeting Felicia below and stepping into the place we heard about.
Pokemon Ranger Felicia
(Lv32 all Emolga, Maractus)
Prize: P1152
Pokemon Found [Levels: 29-33]
Croagunk {Poison/Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Mankey {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Stunky {Poison/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Stunfisk {Ground/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Gloom {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Weepinbell {Grass/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Goomy {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 20-29]
Tympole {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 35%]
Palpitoad {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-20]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 26-29]
Barboach {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Feebas {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Whiscash {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Milotic {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
First person we find is Carla.
Battle Girl Carla
(Lv32 all Combusken, Breloom)
Prize: P768
The two Rangers up top are Adriana and Dean.
Pokemon Ranger Adriana
(Lv31 all Palpitoad x2, Stunfisk)
Prize: P1116
Pokemon Ranger Dean
(Lv32 all Drilbur, Electabuzz)
Prize: P1152
The Lass on the left gives us Choice Specs and the Ace Trainer above is Jasper, the person who wants an Elgyem for his Drifloon. Past him is the main attraction of this area, the Battle Marsh Facility and who do we find by the entrance but Rival Coulter. He likes this place and hopes to check it out more after we’re done helping Prof. Redwood. The guy did say we would battle again in Telmurk City…but it looks like he can’t wait, so get ready because he has a full team now.
Rival Coulter
(Lv34 Hariyama, Lv34 Rotom, Lv36 Starter, Lv34 Flareon, Lv34 Altaria, Lv34 Boldore)
Prize: P1296
– Hariyama has the Thick Fat Ability.
– Rotom [Electric/Ghost version] has the Levitate Ability.
– Flareon has the Flash Fire Ability.
– Altaria has the Natural Cure Ability.
– Boldore has the Sturdy Ability.
Hariyama Moves: Knock Off, Force Palm, Surf, ???
Rotom Moves: Ominous Wind, Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Shock Wave
Flareon Moves: Fire Fang, Smog, Quick Attack, Bite
Altaria Moves: Take Down, Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, ???
Boldore Moves: Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Headbutt
Could Anger Management be in the near future for our Rival? If he keeps losing like this, he might just flip out on us one of these times. He calms down and remembers that he has a job to do, so we’re cool again. Phew. After he leaves we can have a look at the Facility.
[rt17b] BATTLE MARSH FACILITY – “Where Trainers are put to the test!”
Speak to the Black Belt on the left to get a Focus Sash. On the right is the counter where you purchase items using Battle Points:
BP x2 BP x16 BP x32 BP x48
– Protein – White Herb – Choice Specs – Rare Candy
– Calcium – Scope Lens – Choice Band – Life Orb
– Iron – Toxic Orb – Choice Scarf – Ability Pill
– Zinc – Flame Orb
– Carbos – Focus Band
– HP Up – Bright Powder
The facilities in the basement area are not accessible at the moment, upstairs is where the Single Battle Tournament takes place. Don’t worry about it yet, I’ll cover this after we’re done with the main game.
Back outside check the stump on the right side of the building for a Max Potion. In the grass area below is a Calcium. Cross the pool on the left to get a Quick Claw and a TinyMushroom from the tiny red mushrooms. Back to the main road and we finally make it into Telmurk.
[009] TELMURK CITY – “The Modern City on the Marsh.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– Telmurk Department Store
– Gym
– Telmurk City Game Corner
– Mr. Murkrow’s Special Pokeballs
– Underground Path
There’s Rival Coulter checking out the town, but next thing you know a Biker named Akuto sees us and we find out which gang has taken over town – The Mighty Mightyenas! Dang, I had some hope it was Team Skull xD. Akuto is the boss around here and while we are here he basically tells us to behave. Coulter says he’ll ask around for more information concerning the New Elders, starting at the Department Store. Maybe doing some shopping first before conducting our own investigation is a fine idea.
TELMURK CITY DEPT. STORE – “All your shopping needs in one place!”
-2F- (Trainer’s Market)
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
[Each costs P50]
Orange Mail Wave Mail Fab Mail
Harbor Mail Bead Mail Retro Mail
Glitter Mail Shadow Mail
Mech Mail Tropic Mail
Wood Mail Dream Mail
-3F- (Clothing)
Pink Bow P1500
[Each costs P4500]
Red Scarf
Blue Scarf
Pink Scarf
Green Scarf
Yellow Scarf
-4F- (Toy Shop)
Pokedoll P1000
We find Coulter here but so far not much luck for him.
-5F- (Drug Store)
[Each costs P9800]
Back outside, just on the top right side of the building is a shady character who gives us a Storage Key. How random, but thanks buddy. Gotta be careful while we walk around these mean streets because the dudes on bikes are looking to battle if spoken to.
Move all the way to the far left above the PokeCenter to pick up an Ether. At the house southwest from the PC you’ll receive a Lemonade. That’s Rufio riding on the south side.
Mightyena Thug Rufio
(Lv33 all Excadrill, Swalot, Mightyena)
Prize: P1056
That building on the right is one of the Telmurk Warehouses.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 25-27]
Raticate {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Litwick {Ghost/Fire} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Bronzor {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 9%]
Ditto {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 6%]
Inside we find Raul.
Worker Raul
(Lv38 Magnezone)
Prize: P1824
Unlock the gate to get that Choice Band. Next door speak to the Lass to switch your Pokemon’s Pokeballs to Great Balls. Interesting information from her housemate about evolving Nosepass. Next door from that house speak to the old man to get a Casteliacone. As you go east stay on the south side of the rail, cut the tree and pick up a Rare Candy on the far end. Make a note of that Mightyena grafitti, come back to it when you’ve got a Coin Case because you’ll find 100 Coins from there. Back track a bit and climb the steps to take on Tiago and then Gonzo.
Mightyena Thug Tiago
(Lv33 all Gabite, Gurdurr, Mightyena)
Prize: P1056
Mightyena Thug Gonzo
(Lv33 all Pawniard, Vullaby, Mightyena)
Prize: P1056
Ms. Murkrow’s place and the Gym are here. That Biker ain’t moving from the entrance anytime soon. Here are the Pokeballs Ms. Murkrow sells:
Net Ball P1000 Quick Ball P2000
Dive Ball P1000 Heal Ball P2000
Nest Ball P1000 Dusk Ball P2000
Repeat Ball P1000 Luxury Ball P5000
Timer Ball P1000 Cherish Ball P5000
East from there is another Mightyena grafitti that coughs up 100 Coins. Just below from there check that left corner under the steps for a Rare Bone. Make a note of that house next to the grafitti, that’s where we’ll go to progress the story. Past the house is Bosko.
Mightyena Thug Bosko
(Lv33 all Tentacruel, Granbull, Mightyena)
Prize: P1056
On the right is a Warehouse.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 25-27]
Raticate {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Ferroseed {Grass/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Klefki {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Ditto {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
That’s a Shiny Stone on the left, behind the gate is a Lv30 Electrode. Circle round to the southeast for TM46 Thief. Exit and enter the one next to the Game Corner for these Pokemon:
Pokemon Found [Levels: 24-27]
Raticate {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Watchog {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Klink {Steel} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Klefki {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Rotom {Electric/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Bring Magneton and Nosepass here and level up to get Magnezone and Probopass.
Northeast side of town has the Underground Path which leads to the Telmurk Outskirts. Next to the Path is the last Warehouse, bring Pokemon that can Surf and smash rocks.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 25-27]
Trubbish {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Watchog {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Magnemite {Steel/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Voltorb {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Klefki {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Ditto {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Unlock the gate to the south and descend them stairs.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 25-27]
Trubbish {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Diglett {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Koffing {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Sandshrew {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Klefki {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
– Surf [Levels: 20-24]
Grimer {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 70%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 10-19]
Grimer {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 22-30]
Grimer {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Grimer {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 95%]
Muk {Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
You’ll find a pool on the right, there’s an Antidote in the upper corner. Head north, smash the rock that you’ll see to get 3 Green Shards. Go along that right side corridor to pick Iron. Continue north and surf northeast, that item ball you’ll see first is a Lv30 Electrode. Smash the next rock to get 3 Blue Shards, that’s another Electrode along the corridor and after that is the Coin Case! The main passage leads to a room that contains a few familiar appliances: a microwave oven, a rotary fan, a refrigerator, a washing machine and a lawn mower. Bring your Rotom here and interact with the appliance of your choice to have Rotom take over. It means spending some time in the other Warehouse to catch enough Rotom, but it’s better than being made to choose between keeping the only regular Rotom in the entire game and picking only one of the appliances to change forms. When you’re done, we’ll visit the Game Corner.
TELMURK CITY GAME CORNER – “The Mighty Mightyenas run this joint!”
Have the ItemFinder ready because you’ll find a bunch of Coins lying around the room. After that you can hassle some of the patrons for more Coins – the Ace Trainer on the far right and the Gentleman on the right. The left side Gentleman gives you a Nugget. To buy Coins speak to the lady on the right:
50 Coins for P1000
500 Coins for P10000
And prizes are from the left lady, each costs P1000:
Chatot {Normal/Flying}
Smeagle {Normal}
Tyrogue {Fighting}
Swirlix {Fairy}
Porygon {Normal}
That Thug in front of the doorway on the right won’t budge for now so we’ll be back later. After your time here go to that house directly north from the Game Corner so we can continue the story. The woman inside is being harassed for money by a Thug named Chad. Time to play hero.
Mightyena Thug Chad
(Lv33 all Arbok, Mightyena)
Prize: P1056
He runs out afterwards and the woman heals our team. If you need to prepare some more do so now because when we exit the house we’ll meet Akuto and his goons. Can’t even play hero without someone noticing, Akuto sends his two Thugs to battle us back to back before he steps in.
Mightyena Thug Mikey
(Lv37 Mightyena)
Prize: P1184
Mightyena Thug Mitch
(Lv37 Mightyena)
Prize: P1184
Mightyena Boss Akuto
(Lv37 Lairon, Lv37 Bouffalant, Lv39 Mightyena)
Prize: P1248
– Lairon has the Sturdy Ability.
– Bouffalant has the Reckless Ability.
– Mightyena has the Intimidate Ability.
Lairon Moves: Stealth Rock, Iron Head, Rock Slide, ???
Bouffalant Moves: Double-Edge, Work Up, Revenge, ???
Mightyena Moves: Crunch, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, ???
With that out of the way we get a chance to tell Akuto why we are here. He confirms that he knows of the New Elders, they’ve caused trouble for him too. Now that we are cool with him, he gives us HM02 Fly and also allows us to enter the Gym! Fantastic, prepare yourself for the Gym and let’s tackle it before we do some backtracking on the mainland. Bring along a Pokemon that can Surf.
Leader: Sid – “Still water is the most dangerous…”
Why will Surf be needed? Because this fine establishment has its operations taking place down in the city sewers! Great stuff xD and it’s only fitting that Poison is the type used here. Descend the ladder and let that Gas Mask get some work done. You’ll see the first Gym Trainer on the bottom right.
Ninja Boy Jorah
(Lv36 all Garbodor, Skuntank)
Prize: P1440
Step on that floor button to move the barrier away and carry on east. Take that north turn to meet Clive.
Black Belt Clive
(Lv37 Croagunk, Lv38 Toxicroak)
Prize: P912
On the left is Norbert and then Marcin near the next button.
Biker Norbert
(Lv36 Vileplume, Lv37 Seviper)
Prize: P1036
Ace Trainer Marcin
(Lv36 Weepinbell, Lv37 Victreebel)
Prize: P1332
Proceed northeast from Norbert and circle round to Jesse near the final button.
Ninja Boy Jesse
(Lv36 Ariados, Lv37 Qwilfish)
Prize: P1480
Back to Clive and carry on southeast to Ava the last Gym Trainer.
Ace Trainer Ava
(Lv40 Muk)
Prize: P1440
Before speaking to Sid, surf to the upper right and check that drum for a Rare Candy. Jesus, the dude looks like a purple vampire xD. The whole purple get-up is because he’s dressed as the local “legend” Arbok-Man! Indeed, the vigilante that Telmurk deserves 🙂 so begins the battle for Badge #5 and for real justice!
Leader Sid
(Lv40 Arbok, Lv40 Drapion, Lv40 Nidoking, Lv42 Venusaur)
Prizes: P4200 + Pollution Badge + TM36 Sludge Bomb
**BATTLE NOTES: Sid has Hyper Potions.
– Arbok has the Intimidate Ability.
– Drapion has the Battle Armor Ability.
– Nidoking has the Poison Point Ability.
– Venusaur has the Overgrow Ability, Mega Venusaur has Thick Fat. Holding a Venusaurite.
Arbok Moves: Glare, Crunch, Sludge Bomb, ???
Drapion Moves: Night Slash, Acupressure, Scary Face, Sludge Bomb
Nidoking Moves: Icy Wind, Sludge Bomb, Confusion, ???
Mega Venusaur Moves: Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Razor Leaf, Toxic
Justice is served and another day is saved. Now let’s leave this place and catch a quick shower ASAP. Once we exit the Gym we see Rival Coulter trying to get one of the Thugs to share the information he has about the New Elders. Only when he sees and recognises us does he talk: the New Elders are now aiming for Registeel and have gone to the Ferre Ruins, a cave north from here to awaken it. Also the person likely to be leading the New Elders made an appearance there, a man in silver. Coulter says he’ll meet us there. We’ll catch up to him after the little backtracking we are about to do now that we can Surf and Fly. As for new Mart stock, Full Restores are now available.
Fly back to Aerous City and head north so we can cover the rest of Archan Hills.
[rt18] ARCHAN HILLS (the Return)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 3-4]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Lotad {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Pidgey {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Buneary {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Glameow {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Purrloin {Dark} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 15-20]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Lotad {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-4]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-24]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Goldeen {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Gyarados {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Seaking {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Remember Oppos the Inverse Battle guy? It’s been a while since we took him on, he’s ready for a couple of rounds so pay him a visit if you dare.
Proprietor Oppos
(Lv21 Ferroseed, Lv21 Geodude, Lv23 Emolga)
Prize: P368
– Ferroseed has the Iron Barbs Ability.
– Geodude has the Rock Head Ability.
– Emolga has the Motor Drive Ability.
Ferroseed Moves: Metal Claw, Gyro Ball, Curse, Pin Missile
Geodude Moves: Magnitude, Rock Throw, Rock Polish, Rollout
Emolga Moves: Pursuit, Shock Wave, Double Team, Spark
Proprietor Oppos
(Lv26 Kirlia, Lv26 Magnemite, Lv27 Hawlucha)
Prize: P432
– Kirlia has the Synchronize Ability.
– Magnemite has the Magnet Pull Ability.
– Hawlucha has the Limber Ability.
Kirlia Moves: Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Drain Kiss, Heal Pulse
Magnemite Moves: Metal Sound, Magnet Bomb, Mirror Shot, Spark
Hawlucha Moves: Aerial Ace, Roost, Encore, Wing Attack
Proprietor Oppos
(Lv36 Pyroar[M], Lv37 Masquerain, Lv36 Trevenant)
Prize: P592
– Pyroar has the Rivalry Ability.
– Masquerain has the Intimidate Ability.
– Trevenant has the Natural Cure Ability.
Pyroar Moves: Take Down, Endeavor, Headbutt, Fire Fang
Masquerain Moves: Stun Spore, Air Cutter, Scary Face, Silver Wind
Trevenant Moves: Leech Seed, Curse, Will-o-Wisp, Feint Attack
Proprietor Oppos
(Lv38 Spiritomb, Lv38 Steelix, Lv40 Azumarill)
Prize: P640
– Spiritomb has the Pressure Ability.
– Steelix has the Rock Head Ability.
– Azumarill has the Thick Fat Ability.
Spiritomb Moves: Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind, Sucker Punch, ???
Steelix Moves: Rock Slide, Crunch, Screech, Slam
Azumarill Moves: Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Play Rough, Helping Hand
He ain’t tired of us just yet, to be continued later. Outside, move up and approach any of the Psyduck and use that Secret Potion which we bought in Windmist City to cure them of their headache. They’ll finally leave and clear the path at long last. Surf across the pond and discover a Hidden Grotto occupied by a Lv25 Exeggutor. While we are in the area we can stop by Prof. Redwood’s place and update the man on what has happened so far. This is also our chance to revive those Fossils we found.
You can also surf across the pool found in Archan Tunnel, on the other side is a Max Ether and a hidden Rare Bone.
Back on Aerous Road, on the side outside Seros Village, surf across the pond and check the bush for a hidden Revive. Go east to the bigger pond and surf up to the top right corner to find a Hidden Grotto, home to a Lv25 Growlithe.
At Nestpine Climb the only reward for being able to surf for now is an Elixir hidden on a rock on the right side of the lake, because on the left is a waterfall :/
In Frostbite Cave, 1st floor, surf all the way north to find a red mineral (Relic Copper) and an entrance to a Secret Temple where we pick up a Relic Vase from a chest, how very old school RPG :). On the 2nd floor surf east to pick up 5 Blue Shards from the blue mineral and then TM33 Low Sweep. That’s as far as we can go for now until we get HM Rock Climb. Back to Telmurk City, return to the Game Corner and enter the back room to pick up a Dusk Stone and a hidden Soda Pop from the bottom left corner of the top right table. This is where Akuto and his crew hang out, he’ll be ready for a rematch after we are done with the New Elders, fair enough. Prepare if you need to, get through the Underground Path and we meet Herschel on the other side, he almost didn’t recognise us for a moment there xD but he helps us out by giving us HM05 Rock Climb! What perfect timing, I actually expected to get it a bit later on. Best to get the backtracking done now and then we move forward, starting back in Telmurk City.
Top left side of the Dept. Store – a Cameruptite.
West side of Telmurk Swamp – a Secret Temple with a Lv35 Kangaskhan.
North side of Valoon Way – TM30 Shadow Ball.
Southwest side of the Reliquia Ruins – a hidden Moon Stone from the rock and TM37 Iron Head.
West side of Celanto Path – a Hidden Grotto where we pick up a Toxic Orb.
Archan Hills – a Secret Temple with a Lv35 invisible Kecleon.
East side of Aerous City – a Sharpedonite.
Northwest side of the second Aerous Road pond – now we can visit the Yellow Shard Meister. Here’s what he can teach:
Yellow Shards x2
– Psywave
Yellow Shards x4
– Mega Kick
– Mega Punch
Yellow Shards x8
– Ice Punch
– Fire Punch
– Thunder Punch
Yellow Shards x10
– Giga Drain
– Thrash
– Swords Dance
– Boomburst
Scale down the wall on the left side from his house and check the rock for a hidden Ether and then drop down the ledge for TM20 Flash Cannon.
Seros Village – an Assault Vest.
Nestpine Climb, north side from Celanto Path – a Silk Scarf and then at the top of the bigger wall near the Cliffside Shaman is TM06 Toxic.
Windmist City – head south to where the Cable Car station is located. On the other side of the fence is an X Special. If you ride the Car down the mountain back to Celanto Grove you can get TM32 Stealth Rock from the Worker there. Also check the stump on the right side of the station for a Hyper Potion. Back on the Windmist side, northwest from the station is a King’s Rock. Climb the wall, check the top rock for a Rare Candy and enter the Secret Temple to pick up a Lopunnite.
Ignis Roost south – TM50 Ancient Power. We’re done, back to the Telmurk Outskirts. Bring Pokemon that can Surf and smash rocks too.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 29-32]
Mightyena {Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Whirlipede {Bug/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Electabuzz {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Magmar {Fire} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Skarmory {Steel/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Hawlucha {Fighting/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Absol {Dark} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Rock Smash [Levels: 30-35]
Graveler {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Binacle {Rock/Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Crustle {Bug/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Larvitar {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 25-28]
Azumarill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Floatzel {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Basculin {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-12]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 23-32]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Basculin {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Basculin {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Step into the grass area on the right and go on to smash the bottom rock to get 3 Yellow Shards before finding a Hidden Grotto where there’s a Pidgeotite. Then continue north to find Erykah doing laps and Kanto’s finest Woodrow.
Battle Girl Erykah
(Lv35 Poliwrath, Lv36 Hariyama)
Prize: P864
Black Belt Woodrow
(Lv35 Rhyhorn, Lv36 Machoke)
Prize: P864
Top left side has a Secret Temple with TM01 Magic Shine. Surf down the river to pick up a Hyper Potion and then TM35 Flamethrower. Past Woodrow is Constanzo.
Hiker Constanzo
(Lv36 all Golbat, Swoobat)
Prize: P1296
Climb the wall and carry on to Teagan and then Fergus.
Battle Girl Teagan
(Lv37 all Nidoqueen, Diggersby)
Prize: P888
Pokemon Ranger Fergus
(Lv37 all Sealeo, Avalugg)
Prize: P1332
On the right is an old man who gives us 5 bottles of Fresh Water, after that cross the river below him. On the southeast bank is a Banettite. Back to the main path and we hit the beach.
Tuber[F] Shanta
(Lv37 all Gastrodon, Linoone)
Prize: P148
Swimmer[F] Elissa
(Lv38 Milotic)
Prize: P152
Swimmer[M] Allyn
(Lv38 Lapras)
Prize: P152
That cave on the right is where we are headed, get ready.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 29-34]
Parasect {Bug/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Kingler {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gastrodon [Blue] {Water/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Bronzor {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Bronzong {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Nosepass {Nosepass} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Honedge {Steel/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 28-32]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 4%}
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-20]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-29]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corsola {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-37]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Clawitzer {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Have a chat with Maximino before we take on some Grunts.
Hiker Maximino
(Lv38 Sudowoodo)
Prize: P1368
New Elders Grunt
(Lv37 all Omastar, Kabutops)
Prize: P1184
New Elders Grunt
(Lv36 Claydol, Lv37 Bronzong)
Prize: P1184
New Elders Grunt
(Lv37 all Cranidos, Rampardos)
Prize: P1184
New Elders Grunt
(Lv36 Diggersby, Lv36 Noctowl, Lv37 Tangrowth)
Prize: P1184
Pokemon Found [Levels: 29-34]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Lairon {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Nosepass {Nosepass} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bronzor {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Bronzong {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Onix {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Honedge {Steel/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 25-32]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 4%}
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 9-20]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 22-30]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corsola {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Kingler {Water} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Clawitzer {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Surf across to the right and check that rock for 5 Green Shards. Surf left and carry on south to the next Grunts.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv36 Xatu, Lv37 Sigilyph)
Prize: P1184
New Elders Grunt
(Lv39 Mamoswine)
Prize: P1248
Check the rock on the right from him for an Elixir.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv36 Tirtouga, Lv37 Carracosta)
Prize: P1184
According to that Grunt there’s some kind of trick in this place which has to do with Registeel’s weight. Noted.
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 30-34]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Slowpoke {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 4%}
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 5-19]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-33]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corsola {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Krabby {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Kingler {Water} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Clawitzer {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
New Elders Grunt
(Lv38 all Armaldo, Cradily)
Prize: P1216
Just up ahead we see Ezekiel about to enter the chamber of Registeel. He goes in and locks us out, leaving us to try and crack the Braille coded inscription. There’s always gotta be a Braille puzzle, eh? xD every damn time. Here’s what it says:
You are meant to count them as they appear in each pool, row by row and then you’ll figure out the combination: 4519. Boss battle ahead so prepare yourself before going in. Ezekiel has captured Registeel and now he aims to put us away.
Elder Knight Ezekiel
(Lv42 Skarmory, Lv42 Cradily, Lv45 Aggron, Lv42 Doublade, Lv42 Claydol)
Prize: P1800
**BATTLE NOTES: Ezekiel’s got a Full Restore.
– Skarmory has the Keen Eye Ability.
– Cradily has the Suction Cups Ability.
– Aggron has the Sturdy Ability, Mega Aggron has Filter. Holding an Aggronite.
– Doublade has the No Guard Ability.
– Claydol has the Levitate Ability.
Skarmory Moves: Stealth Rock, Steel Wing, Sandstorm, ???
Cradily Moves: Amnesia, Giga Drain, AncientPower, ???
Mega Aggron Moves: Iron Head, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Rock Slide
Doublade Moves: Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Night Slash, Slash
Claydol Moves: Cosmic Power, Ice Beam, Extrasensory, ???
And once again we still come out as the real loser because Ezekiel leaves with Registeel anyway. Darn it.
Outside we meet Rival Coulter, late again despite the fact that he left town before us xD, we sure could’ve used your help dude. They’ve got all 3 Regis now, we’re screwed. He heals our team and updates us on the next destination Precimos Island – there’s a new Gym Leader over there now. Interesting. Coulter will meet us there. We surf north for the Precimos Strait.
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 30-33]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Wailmer {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Mantine {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-20]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 24-31]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Starmie {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Dive [Levels: 33-35]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Corsola {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Lanturn {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
There’s a Dive spot here, make a note of it, and swimming around it is Rufus.
Swimmer[M] Rufus
(Lv38 all Luvdisc, Alomomola)
Prize: P152
On the island nearby we’ll find Bryant and an HP Up on this side. Can’t circle round to the other side for that Hidden Grotto.
Swimmer[M] Bryant
(Lv37 Finneon x2, Lv38 Lumineon)
Prize: P152
Carry on surfing north to meet Trisha and leave the Strait.
Swimmer[F] Trisha
(Lv38 Lombre, Lv39 Ludicolo)
Prize: P156
[010] PRECIMOS ISLAND – “The Sunny Resort Island!”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Precimos Island Diving Tours
– The Precimos Hotel
– Mrs. Move’s House
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250 Full Restore P3000
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 32-35]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Seaking {Water} [Encounter Rate: 9%]
Mantine {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-19]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-29]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Starmie {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Great time to take a load off and relax for a bit on this island resort 🙂 surely we deserve a bit of some R and R after what we’ve been through so far. Let’s have a look around and mingle.
On the northwest side of the beach check the rock for a Revive before climbing the wall for TM08 Bulk Up. At the Diving Tours speak to the female Swimmer to move your Pokemon into a Dive Ball. We’re told to come back later because a dive group is currently out. Hmm, no HM instead?
Apparently this new Gym Leader is a big shot from Kanto. Any guesses who it could be?
West from the Mart lives Mrs. Move, although she hates the name xD, she is this game’s Move Relearner and does the service for free.
Outside the Hotel speak to the Youngster for a Casteliacone and check the rock behind him for 5 Yellow Shards.
Refreshments are sold at the counter on the upper right.
Fresh Water P200
Soda Pop P300
Lemonade P350
On the upper left side of the room speak to the old lady and give her any found Relic items in exchange for some serious cash money. The other old lady just below isn’t as pleasant xD, but she’ll give you a Regal Stone. Can’t explore the next floor for now because there’s a Burglar in the way, waiting for his friends. Not suspicious at all. So let’s head for the Gym and find out who this fancy new Gym Leader is.
Leader: ???
Look at this place! As if these are all platforms floating over an abyss. Gym Guide guy tells us that the previous Gym Leader retired but the Psychic type is still the theme here under the new Leader. No Gym puzzle hints though, guess we just have to not look down. First Gym Trainer is Tristan.
Psychic Tristan
(Lv41 Espeon)
Prize: P820
Move onto the small platform and go all the way up until you hit an invisible wall, then go right, down, right to the next opponent.
Psychic Parry
(Lv39 all Grumpig, Hypno)
Prize: P780
Back track to Tristan and follow the path to the next platform on the left, occupied by Glynn.
Psychic Glynn
(Lv39 all Elgyem, Beheeyem)
Prize: P780
Head straight north for the next one and Lou.
Psychic Lou
(Lv39 all Chimecho, Musharna)
Prize: P780
A couple of steps east from where Lou is then north to the next one and Morwen.
Psychic Morwen
(Lv39 all Swoobat, Bronzong)
Prize: P780
Move to the top of the platform and head to the right, down, right, up and onto the next one.
Psychic Tucker
(Lv39 all Lunatone, Solrock)
Prize: P780
Go all the way to the right for Zhenya the last Gym Trainer.
Psychic Zhenya
(Lv41 Malamar)
Prize: P820
Back onto the small platform and head south to the center platform which has blue tiles, they’ll teleport us to the Leader’s room and we finally meet…..Will! Congratulations if you guessed correctly 🙂 the former Johto Elite 4 member is here now, this should be fun.
Leader Will
(Lv42 Xatu, Lv42 Jynx, Lv42 Exeggutor, Lv42 Metagross, Lv44 Slowbro)
Prizes: P4400 + Focus Badge + TM04 Calm Mind
**BATTLE NOTES: Will has some Full Restores and a Hyper Potion.
– Xatu has the Synchronize Ability.
– Jynx & Slowbro have the Oblivious Ability.
– Exeggutor has the Chlorophyll Ability.
– Metagross has the Clear Body Ability.
– Mega Slowbro has the Shell Armor Ability. Holding a Slowbronite.
Xatu Moves: Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Air Slash
Jynx Moves: Calm Mind, Lovely Kiss, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam
Exeggutor Moves: Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Psychic, Calm Mind
Metagross Moves: Agility, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, ???
Mega Slowbro Moves: Water Pulse, Calm Mind, Psychic, ???
TM29 Psychic would’ve been better though, come on. But he kind of makes up for it by sharing some information about a place called the Ikos Ruins which are home to Unown, which is what brought Will here in the first place. We’ll be sure to check that out. No new stock for the Marts.
Return to the Dive Tours, we’re still told that the group hasn’t come back yet but this time the woman suggests we visit the Hotel. When we go back there the Burglar asks if we think he’s suspicious, say Yes and fight.
Burglar Eduard
(Lv40 all Weezing, Magmar)
Prize: P3520
That gets rid of him. In the next hallway go all the way to the right to pick up a Premier Ball. On the left side is Ivo.
Burglar Ivo
(Lv40 all Trevenant, Machamp)
Prize: P3520
Head south, the next Burglar we see is Murphy, who gives us an idea of why these guys are here.
Burglar Murphy
(Lv40 all Ninjask, Honchkrow)
Prize: P3520
Go east, ignore the first stationary Burglar.
Burglar Stafford
(Lv40 all Weavile, Crawdaunt)
Prize: P3520
In the room directly ahead of him is Albin, who thinks we’re a Burglar as soon as we go in.
Gentleman Albin
(Lv40 all Pikachu, Sylveon)
Prize: P2880
Rolando’s the one running left and right, Gregorio up and down.
Burglar Rolando
(Lv42 Froslass)
Prize: P3696
Burglar Gregorio
(L40 all Banette, Umbreon)
Prize: P3520
Head south, in the bottom right room are Leftovers. Fran’s in that corridor.
Burglar Fran
(Lv41 Purugly)
Prize: P3608
In the room on the left is Joslyn, clearly not expecting visitors.
Beauty Joslyn
(Lv39 all Roserade, Lopunny, Pidgeot)
Prize: P2808
As you go left ignore the first Burglar, next one is Adrian.
Burglar Adrian
(Lv42 Malamar)
Prize: P3696
The last room on the left is occupied by Cletus and Jo.
Belle and Pa Cletus & Jo
(Lv39 all Miltank & Emboar)
Prize: P3744
Go back to the Burglar before Adrian, since we defeated all the other Burglars he’ll fight us now.
Burglar Jordon
(Lv42 Gourgeist)
Prize: P3696
He’ll step aside, don’t talk to him again because he’ll just say previous dialogue and fight you again. Inside the room is the boss of this little operation Celso, he knows why we’re here but suggests we have a silent battle to avoid waking up the room’s occupant.
Burglar Celso
(Lv41 all Exploud, Noivern)
Prize: P3608
The man wakes up (I blame that Exploud!), Celso leaves just in time. Fortunately the man thinks we’re room service and tells us about the special item that Celso was about to steal – a Tablet Idol, an artefact which reacts to a special metal inside Idols. He’s meant to take it to a Lab in Atsail City but he’s in full holiday mode so he is glad to let us take it and deliver it for him. That other item on the desk is a PP Up.
Outside the hotel we see Coulter chilling out, of course he’ll also want a battle but you can say No if you aren’t ready. When you are, he’ll be here waiting.
Rival Coulter
(Lv44 Hariyama, Lv44 Flareon, Lv44 Rotom, Lv43 Gigalith, Lv45 Altaria, Lv45 Starter)
Prize: P1620
– Hariyama has the Thick Fat Ability.
– Flareon has the Flash Fire Ability.
– Rotom [Electric/Water version] has the Levitate Ability.
– Gigalith has the Sturdy Ability.
– Altaria has the Natural Cure Ability.
Hariyama Moves: Fake Out, Vital Throw, Knock Off, Surf
Flareon Moves: Toxic, Sand Attack, Flame Charge, Quick Attack
Rotom Moves: Ominous Wind, Electro Ball, Will-o-Wisp, Hydro Pump
Gigalith Moves: Rock Slide, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm
Altaria Moves: Sing, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Voice, ???
No getting upset over another lose this time, Coulter brings up the Diving Tours and wants us to check it out. Should we tell him that it’ll be the 3rd time we’ll be showing our face there?
Coulter will buy us a Diving Tour ticket and off we go on another adventure.
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 34-40]
Frillish[both] {Water/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Pelipper {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Tentacruel {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 6-20]
Horsea {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 22-30]
Horsea {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Shellder {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Seadra {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Cloyster [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Seadra {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Kingdra {Water/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Dive [Levels: 34-40]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Finneon {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 14%]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Huntail {Water} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
The Tour Guide in charge of our group gives each of us HM08 Dive and goes under, Coulter soon follows. What we are going to do now is check out the other Dive spots we’ve seen on our travels and then head east from Precimos Island so we can cover what’s out there before coming back to continue on our journey. Surf east to return to Precimos Island, you’ll see a north path, it leads to a tiny island where you can pick up a hidden Rare Candy from a rock and beyond that is Atsail Bay.
Southsea Stretch, southeast from Sharpgust Span: Underwater, as you head southwest you’ll find Ashton.
Scuba Diver Ashton
(Lv41 all Lanturn, Relicanth, Lumineon)
Prize: P1476
In the bottom left side corner from him, search that spot for 5 Green Shards and resurface. Surf east and Dive under the smaller spot, from there continue northeast to meet the Green Shard Meister and his assistant:
Green Shards x2
– Synthesis
Green Shards x4
– Water Pulse
Green Shards x6
– Heal Bell
Green Shards x8
– Drill Run
– Gunk Shot
– Sucker Punch
Green Shards x10
– Heat Wave
– Pain Split
– Outrage
– Petal Dance
Resurface from the right, surf west and Dive to search for 5 Green Shards. Once you’re done we’ll return to the Precimos Strait.
Precimos Strait: Underwater, surf northeast to a closed clam. Open it to find a Pearl. Then surf southeast, search the rock for another Pearl and go on to resurface. We’ll pop up on the eastern side of the island where we battled Swimmer Bryant, climb the wall to reach that Hidden Grotto and get an Absolite from inside. After that go to the north side of the island and search the rock for 5 Green Shards. Done, back to the Precimos Island and head east for the Katosurf Trench.
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 30-35]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Pelipper {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Mantine {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Dive [Levels: 26-36]
Skrelp {Poison/Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 18%]
Lanturn {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-18]
Horsea {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-32]
Horsea {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Shellder {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Seadra {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Cloyster {Water/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Seadra {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Kingdra {Water/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
If you check your Town Map you’ll see that further east after the Trench is Katosurf Town, my aim was for us to head over there and see what’s going on. But the path underwater is blocked by rocks, even if you use the Walk through Walls codes you’ll go on to meet a deadend. So I guess that place has been set aside for the yet-to-be-released Gaia v4.0 which would have post-game content. V3.2 came out in November 2018 and as I am typing this it is 12 February 2021, I don’t know if Spherical Ice is still working on v4.0 but hopefully he is doing so. Anyway back to the Precimos Depths.
We’ll see Coulter on our way to the north side, he’s having a blast down here. Not the same story for the next tourist we meet xD, past them is Nikolaj.
Scuba Diver Nikolaj
(Lv40 all Sealeo, Walrein)
Prize: P1440
Search the spot above him for a Big Pearl then resurface. Just to the southwest is Mees and an island occupied by a Revive.
Swimmer[M] Mees
(Lv40 all Shellder, Clamperl, Cloyster)
Prize: P160
Dive into the trench, there’s a south path. It leads to a sea shell that has a Relic Gold. Back up and go all the way west, you’ll find a shell containing Protein and a resurface spot. South from there is a deeper trench, go down there and check the first rock you see for 5 Yellow Shards. Carry on south to see Shaylyn on the right.
Free Diver Shaylyn
(Lv39 Lanturn, Lv39 Starmie, Lv42 Corsola)
Prize: P168
Go all the way to the right from her and check the rock for a Pearl. Resurface and go to the left after the Dive spot which brought us to this area of the Depths, you should see a Double Battle sibling duo.
Sis and Bro Mei & Kai
(Lv38 Basculin x2, Lv39 Gastrodon & Gastrodon x2)
Prize: P312
South from them is Stefanus and the next Dive spot.
Swimmer[M] Stefanus
(Lv40 Diggersby, Lv41 Beartic)
Prize: P164
Underwater we meet Egbert, search the spot on the left for an Ether and resurface.
Scuba Diver Egbert
(Lv42 Wailord)
Prize: P1512
Next area is the last one and has Emilia.
Swimmer[F] Emilia
(Lv41 Alomomola)
Prize: P164
Circle round to the northwest and finally touch down on Edashore.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 36-42]
Bibarel {Normal/Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Linoone {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pelipper {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Tangela {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Clefairy {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Absol {Dark} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Surf [Levels: 36-41]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Wingull {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Pelipper {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Tentacruel {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 3-16]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-29]
Shellder {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Shellder {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Cloyster {Water/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Gyarados {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
That Scientist on the left gives us Soft Sand. Head north to face Archibald.
Gentleman Archibald
(Lv39 all Granbull, Zebstrika, Stoutland)
Prize: P2808
Further up is Evelien.
Expert Evelien
(Lv40 all Staraptor, Hariyama)
Prize: P800
Northwest from there is Lalia and an entrance to the Cosmic Caverns.
Hex Maniac Lalia
(Lv42 Gengar)
Prize: P1344
Pokemon Foound [Levels: 37-42]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Boldore {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Elgyem {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Mawile {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Excadrill {Ground/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Clefairy {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Clefable {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
Two paths ahead, one to the north and the other one goes east. Before we decide which way to go, talk to Mercy.
Nurse Mercy
(Lv43 Blissey)
Prize: P3096
**BATTLE NOTES: Blissey is holding Leftovers.
Eeny, meeny, miny…east first.
-B1F- (East side)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 36-42]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Boldore {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Sableye {Dark/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Elgyem {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Mawile {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Excadrill {Ground/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Clefairy {Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Eelektrik {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 36-41]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 10-20]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 25-31]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Dratini {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 34-42]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Dratini {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Catch a spare Dratini, we’ll need it to show someone for a Key Item later. First person we see just up top is a Hex Maniac who will give you a Sablenite if you have a Sableye in your party. Follow the path east through a mini maze to get that Full Heal. Just make a note of the opening on the right for now, it’s currently an empty room but we’ll come back. Surf to the southwest side of the pool to get a Dawn Stone and check the crystals for 5 Blue Shards. Just below the ledge is Clyde.
Rocker Clyde
(Lv40 all Electabuzz, Zebstrika)
Prize: P960
Northwest from him is Beckett.
PokeManiac Beckett
(Lv40 all Lairon, Gyarados)
Prize: P1920
Southeast from Clyde check the small rock pile in the corner for a Revive. Make a note of that exit too. Return to 1F and let’s explore the north basement.
-B1F- (North side)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 36-42]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Boldore {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Carbink {Rock/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Misdreavus {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Eelektrik {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Mawile {Steel/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 36-42]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Inkay {Dark/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 6-17]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-33]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Inkay {Dark/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 34-42]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Inkay {Dark/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Dratini {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Head all the way north to pick up Carbos. Then follow the path east and south to find Mallard.
Scientist Mallard
(Lv40 all Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z)
Prize: P1920
I wonder what’s at the top of that waterfall. Back to the eastern basement and exit the caverns. Outside head west, cross the log bridge going south to fight Flint.
Hiker Flint
(Lv40 all Nosepass, Crustle)
Prize: P1440
Further south is the entrance to another area of the Cosmic Caverns but without Strength we can’t do much there so make a note of it. Below that entrance scale down the wall to get a Max Elixir. Back to the log bridge, scale down the wall next to it and surf along the southwest side, you’ll reach TM24 Thunderbolt. Return and carry on west, there’s a bare patch in the grass area – check it for a Revive. Top side has Jac and Oona.
Crush Kin Jac & Oona
(Lv40 all Scrafty & Toxicroak)
Prize: P1920
Below from them is a Full Heal in the grass. Now we head east then north to meet Jeremy and then Amanda.
Ruin Maniac Jeremy
(Lv42 Steelix)
Prize: P2016
Ace Trainer Amanda
(Lv42 Gallade)
Prize: P1512
Southwest from her is Iron and hidden Carbos from a rock. On the north side we see Ewart fishing on the left.
Fisherman Ewart
(Lv40 all Tentacool, Tentacruel)
Prize: P1440
Smash the rocks to get that Full Restore and continue north to battle Brooks before stepping into town, just in time for the Meteor Festival.
Pokemon Ranger Brooks
(Lv40 all Vanillish, Galvantula)
Prize: P1440
[011] EDASHORE TOWN – “Host of the Meteor Festival!”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– Market
– Edashore Elder’s House
– Edashore Observatory
The two vendor stalls that you pass as you go north aren’t selling yet because people are waiting for the festival to begin. After the brief cut scene continue to the upper side of town and join the rest of the people. This is the 200th annual Meteor Festival! The resident Clefairy performs the traditional dance but suddenly stops and vanishes, it seemed upset. Then there’s an earthquake and rather than be shocked by that, the people are more annoyed about not getting a proper festival and they blame the Elder. After everyone leaves he speaks to us and asks for help. We go to his house and learn more about the Clefairy and find out why it fled. Remember that empty area back in the Cosmic Caverns? We’re going back there. Let’s check out the town first on our way out.
Just to the east from the Elder’s house check the rock for 5 Green Shards. Further east is the Edashore Observatory, on the first floor speak to the Scientist on the top right to trade Shuckle for a Castform they received from their colleagues in Hoenn. Second floor, last room on the left has an Up-Grade, works like a Stone on Porygon to get Porygon2.
On the left side from the PokeCenter is a house, scale down the wall behind it and go southwest to find a Secret Temple where you pick up a Dragon Fang. For now only the Vendor next to the PokeCenter is open, but he just sells the regular Mart items:
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250 Full Restore P3000
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
When you enter that empty area at the Cosmic Caverns we’ll see the Clefairy at the center of the room, it sees us and teleports to the northwest side. Approach from the north because if it sees you from the south it will teleport you out of the room and you’ll have to start this whole thing from scratch. Clefairy teleports to the northeast, approach from the south. Then it goes to the bottom left side, approach from the south. It goes to the west side, approach the top right corner. Finally Clefairy ends up in the bottom right section, speak to it and after agreeing to go back to town it will teleport with us back to Edashore. The festival restarts and everyone gets their Meteor Dance performance. Afterwards the Elder thanks us for saving the event and rewards us with a Master Ball. That’s a family heirloom though xD.
The vendor stall on the left side of the fountain is the Edashore Nursery, they sell the following Pokemon Eggs:
Common Egg (P10000)
– Kricketot
– Togepi
– Meowth
– Slakoth
– Plusle
– Minun
– Pichu
Uncommon Egg (P40000)
– Stantler
– Vulpix
– Houndour
– Torkoal
– Tropius
– Farfetch’d
Rare Egg (P75000)
– Furfrou
– Axew
– Deino
– Riolu
– Honedge
– Zorua
Super Egg (P125000)
– Grass-type: Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko, Turtwig, Snivy, Chespin
– Fire-type: Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Tepig, Fennekin
– Water-type: Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott, Froakie
The cash money needed to get all of those…good lord xD. The vendor on the right side sells Battle Items:
X Attack P500
X Defend P550
X Speed P350
X Special P350
X Accuracy P950
Dire Hit P700
Guard Spec. P650
On the south side of town the Stone Vendor and Edashore Flowers are open for business. At the moment the Stone Vendor is only selling 3 Water Stones for P8000, after purchasing them you’ll have to come back later to see what else he’s got.
Starf Berry P1000
Pomeg Berry P750
Kelpsy Berry P750
Qualot Berry P750
Hondew Berry P750
Grepa Berry P750
Tamato Berry P750
When you’re done and ready we will head west to explore the Edamist Heights then come back and go east to see the almighty Gyarados Bridge.
(Edashore side)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 38-42]
Gurdurr {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Ursaring {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Staraptor {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Spinda {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
After crossing the bridge follow the path south to meet Dana.
Beauty Dana
(Lv40 all Glaceon, Pyroar[F], Luxray)
Prize: P2880
Continue south and check the rock for a Sun Stone. On the northwestern side speak to that Ruin Maniac just under the grass area, he’ll give you a Jaw Fossil. Then there’s another entrance to Frostbite Cave on the left, south from there is the wall to be scaled in order to reach the Secret Temple. Halfway down there is a bush with a hidden Guard Spec. In the Temple is TM29 Psychic.
FROSTBITE CAVE (Edashore side)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 32-37]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Piloswine {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Delibird {Ice/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bergmite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Avalugg {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Vanillite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Vanillish {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Snorunt {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Pokemon Found [Levels: 17-20]
Woobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Zubat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swinub {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Smoochum {Ice/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Vanillite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Bergmite {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Snorunt {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Check that rock in the top right corner for a Relic Band, then go all the way southwest to a frozen floor. Not much of a puzzle, make your way to the left side to pick up a Glalitite. Go back to the path which was going north, follow it and jump off the ledge on the left. There’s another frozen floor, it leads to another ledge, jump off it also and meet Nate. Who will get that Sail Fossil, you or him?
Ruin Maniac Nate
(Lv23 all Omanyte, Kabuto)
Prize: P1104
Head north then slide over that frozen floor on the right to get an Ether. On the left side is the exit.
(Windmist side)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 15-17]
Timburr {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Cubchoo {Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Staravia {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Snover {Grass/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Spinda {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Staravia {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
In the grass area below is a Super Potion. Up the steps and descend the next ones to get that TM16 Thunder Wave. Done, back to Edashore and east we go.
[rt25] GYARADOS BRIDGE – “Outrageously Beautiful!”
It looks impressive, I’ll give it that much. Makes me think of the Cianvine Bridge which was built to connect Olivine and Cianwood in Pokemon Glazed. It’s a pretty straightforward route so here are the people we meet on the way:
Cyclist Roy
(Lv42 all Magneton, Electrode)
Prize: P840
Cyclist Marco
(Lv42 all Durant, Skarmory)
Prize: P840
Fisherman Oswald
(Lv42 all Basculin, Gyarados)
Prize: P1512
Cyclist Joaquin
(Lv42 all Electrode, Staraptor)
Prize: P840
The item you’ll see behind the fence on the other side is a Regal Stone.
[012] ATSAIL CITY – “Connecting Orbtus with the World.”
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Office Tower
– Atsail Cold Storage
– Atsail Laboratory
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250 Full Restore P3000
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 30-33]
Frillish[M] {Water/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Tentacool {Water/Poison} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Mantine {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 5-18]
Remoraid {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-32]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Lanturn {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Octillery {Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
When we go to the Lab to deliver the Tablet Idol we are told that resident Gym Leader Marina isn’t there to receive it, she’s at the Gym. We’ll have a look around town on the way there.
We learn that there’s a place called Ovarr Island that’s on the other side of the region. To get there we’d need a Ticket and must travel from Aerous City.
Go all the way to the right to find an Ice Heal then continue up to meet Trevor.
Worker Trevor
(Lv41 all Vanillish, Conkeldurr, Avalugg)
Prize: P1968
Roark’s on the left before you can pick up that second Ice Heal in the bottom corner.
Worker Roark
(Lv41 Cryogonal, Lv42 Mamoswine)
Prize: P2016
On the north side, search those boxes in the middle for a Relic Statue then go on to face Waldo. What exactly are these guys up to here?
Worker Waldo
(Lv42 all Conkeldurr, Walrein)
Prize: P2016
The final Worker says the forklift behind him needs a key so until we find it nothing more to be done here. Check the right side stack of those boxes for a Max Potion. Outside the building go behind it and look under the truck to find a Lava Cookie.
Outside the Office Tower speak to the man to get Coins, he won’t be needing them.
Check that bin by the water cooler to get, what else, Fresh Water xD.
-3F- (Atsail Security Solutions)
Speak to the Super Nerd on the left to get a Dubious Disc, also works like a Stone for Porygon2 into Porygon-Z.
-4F- (Game Freak HQ)
That notice on the wall says it all 🙂 remember, you can thank Game Freak and Nintendo all you want for creating Pokemon but at the end of the day if you’re a ROMhacker or fan-game maker they will respond with a legal smackdown. The team that we find here instead are people who helped create Gaia, Cynjo on the bottom right would like a battle after we’re done with the New Elders. In the left side corner is Spherical Ice (?), more dastardly than Dick Dastardly himself xD.
-5F- (The Capture Co.)
The Super Nerd on the right will change Pokeballs to Repeat Balls, you’ll find one in the bin next to him. That item on the left side table is exactly what it looks like, a Pokeball.
Next door from the tower is a man who gives you TM05 Roar if you say Yes.
At the house on the far left from the Mart lives the Fisherman whom we are going to show a Dratini in order to get that Super Rod and finally complete the Fishing Rod collection. I tell you, fishing is one of the activities that makes typing walkthroughs not fun xD especially when you have to get 3 Rods! Please, to any modern or new ROMhack makers reading this just have one “ultimate” Fishing Rod in your games, that’s all you need. Next up we roll into Marina’s Gym, get ready. Bring Pokemon that can Surf and Dive.
Leader: Marina – “Patience is the Key.”
We are warned by the Gym Guide about one of her star Pokemon Kingdra. Surf to the right and Dive, once underwater go to the left for the first battle.
Free Diver Marcia
(Lv44 Octillery, Lv45 Swampert)
Prize: P180
Above her is the next resurface spot and a clam, open the shell first then head up. Surf down to fight Greg.
Youngster Greg
(Lv44 all Kingler, Starmie)
Prize: P704
Carry on down to Amos.
Swimmer[M] Amos
(Lv44 Crawdaunt, Lv45 Gorebyss, Lv45 Politoed)
Prize: P180
Dive at the center, Josiah is under there.
Scuba Diver Josiah
(Lv46 Huntail)
Prize: P1656
Swim up from him to open the shell and resurface from that spot next to it. Surf down to the platform occupied by Benedict.
Ace Trainer Benedict
(Lv43 all Cloyster, Walrein, Lapras)
Prize: P1548
Return under to Josiah, open the shell on the top left from him then resurface from the center. The path to Marina is open now. It’s cool to know that she’s a researcher like Prof. Redwood and Herschel, but how does she do as a battler though?
Leader Marina
(Lv46 Qwilfish, Lv46 Kingdra, Lv46 Jellicent[F], Lv46 Pelipper, Lv48 Gyarados)
Prizes: P4800 + Scale Badge + TM45 Scald
**BATTLE NOTES: Marina has a Full Restore.
– Qwilfish has the Poison Point Ability.
– Kingdra has the Swift Swim Ability.
– Jellicent has the Water Absorb Ability.
– Pelipper has the Keen Eye Ability.
– Gyarados has Intimidate, Mega Gyarados has Pressure. Holding a Gyaradosite.
Qwilfish Moves: Rain Dance, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Aqua Jet
Kingdra Moves: Flash Cannon, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse
Jellicent Moves: Taunt, Hex, Scald, ???
Pelipper Moves: Rain Dance, Surf, Shock Wave, Fly
Mega Gyarados Moves: Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Strength, Earthquake
We tell her about the Tablet Idol and she says meet her back at the Lab. The Gym Guide lets us know where the final Badge is, Loamas Town. No new Mart stock.
At the Lab we deliver the Tablet Idol and Marina breaks down why they need it. After she leaves for the Gym, exit and we see Coulter sending a New Elders Grunt running. He was lurking around the Cold Storage and wouldn’t tell Coulter why, so we should go investigate. When we return there it turns out the forklift key still hasn’t been found, Coulter doesn’t think it’s even in town…but gives an interesting clue about haystacks. Hmm.
I was going to suggest we go south to explore Atsail Bay but we won’t get far because we don’t have HM Waterfall yet so just hold off on that area for now. We’ll go north to the Loamas Fields. Just before leaving town go behind the Mart and check that left side space for a Rare Candy.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 38-44]
Flaaffy {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Miltank {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bouffalant {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Swadloon {Bug/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Emolga {Electric/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Pachirisu {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Pikachu {Electric} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Tauros {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Ponyta {Fire} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Grumpig {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Wheat [Levels: 38-44]
Dedenne {Electric/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Ledian {Bug/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Murkrow {Dark/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Dunsparce {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Go all the way north until we reach a field of wheat.
Rancher Chuck
(Lv43 all Bouffalant, Miltank)
Prize: P860
South from him is an X Defend. Enter the barn and search the bale of hay on the left to find the Forklift Key. The next Rancher outside the wheat says he’ll have to move all those bales to clear that path, it’ll take some time. Below from there scale down the wall to get that TM42 Facade. Hurry back to the Cold Storage, speak to the Worker so he can move the forklift and finally find out what’s going down below.
Rather dark here. Coulter notices that other people are present too and goes on ahead. Follow the path until there’s a north turn, go up then all the way to the right to open the chest containing 10 Relic Balls! More suited to catch Pokemon “that have been around for eons”, interesting. Check the box on the far right from it for an Elixir. Back to the main path, follow it all the way to the south, don’t speak to Coulter yet, you’ll eventually reach a Rare Candy. Coulter finds some crates we can hide behind while we eavesdrop on the people who are here:
We see the Elder Knights and their superior, an old lady named Morgana discussing their final plan. They’re going back to Ignis Roost. We didn’t know her name back then but that old lady we met at the Reliquia Ruins is this Morgana! And we gave her that book! Damn it. Outside the Cold Storage we meet up with Redwood and Marina and let them know what we found out. Redwood will ask us if we are ready to leave together. If you need to prepare say you’re not ready and they’ll go on ahead to the Apex Temple.
When we return to Ignis Roost it has gotten much colder than the last time we were there. We go into the Temple and are soon confronted by Morgana, who has been expecting us because this is a trap and we walked right into it. Drat.
Elder Sage Morgana
(Lv47 Mismagius, Lv47 Houndoom, Lv47 Sigilyph, Lv49 Gengar, Lv47 Drapion)
Prize: P2940
– Mismagius & Gengar have the Levitate Ability.
– Houndoom has the Early Bird Ability.
– Sigilyph has the Magic Guard Ability.
– Mega Gengar has Shadow Tag. Holding a Gengarite.
– Drapion has the Battle Armor Ability.
Mismagius Moves: Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Power Gem
Houndoom Moves: Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Howl, Beat Up
Sigilyph Moves: Cosmic Power, Air Slash, Reflect, Psychic
Mega Gengar Moves: Torment, Toxic, Shadow Ball, Magic Shine
Drapion Moves: Scary Face, Acupressure, Poison Fang, Night Slash
Another battle just to buy time for the bad guys. A scene follows, showing the New Elders at the Atsail Lab. They’ve taken the Tablet Idol and are set on going after Regigigas! Back to us, Morgana makes her get away while keeping us trapped here because the entrance has been blocked. So we look around for a secret exit. Speak to Marina, she has spotted a crack in one of the pillars and with the help of her Gyarados an opening is made. She suggests that Redwood stays behind and Coulter stays with him while we and Marina carry on. If you need to heal, speak to Coulter and then descend into the Catacombs.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Noibat {Flying/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Numel {Fire/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Camerupt {Fire/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Magcargo {Fire/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Yamask {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Lairon {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 9%]
Cofagrigus {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Bagon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Shelgon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Marina is on the right, she sees a path forward but it’s blocked by a boulder. There’s another way going to the south, it leads to a large statue in the corner. As soon as we enter that area a strange haze appears and the path back north is now blocked! No other way is open, go and examine the statue. Once you touch it you’re immediately confronted by a wild Lv50 Regigigas! What’s going on here??
REGIGIGAS (Level 50)
Type: Normal
Moves Known: Tackle, ???, ???, ???
And the only Pokemon we have to fight it with is a Lv55 Regirock (?!). Can’t access our Bag either. After Regigigas is defeated the haze disappears and Marina is next to us, she heard a noise and after the boulder was moved away she got here. It seemed like we were a trance. Follow after Marina, she’s waiting in the southeast side where the path goes west and further south. Go west and search the rock pile in the corner for a PP Max then use the south path and the ladder there because the west side ladder leads to a blocked way.
-B2F- (via south ladder)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Loudred {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Lairon {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Shelgon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 11%]
Cofagrigus {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Yamask {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Follow the path north, that odd haze reappears and the way we came is blocked. Up ahead is another statue that leads to a second round against Regigigas and this time we have Regice on our side. Afterwards go to the left, the chest up top has a Relic Crown.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 50%]
Noibat {Flying/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Lairon {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Larvitar {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Pupitar {Rock/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Cofagrigus {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
All the way to the right then north for round 3 with Registeel. Defeat Regigigas to unblock the path on the left, there’s a chest containing TM02 Dragon Claw. Return to B1F and drop down the ladder which led to a blocked path before, it’s open now.
-B2F- (via north ladder)
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Noibat {Flying/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Camerupt {Fire/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Lairon {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bagon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Shelgon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Yamask {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Cofagrigus {Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
On the right is a chest that contains the mysterious Jade Orb. Back to B3F, head south and drop down a couple of ladders until you reach B7F.
-B4F to B6F-
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Noibat {Flying/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 14%]
Loudred {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Exploud {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Noibat {Flying/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Lairon {Steel/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bagon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Shelgon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 9%]
Loudred {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Exploud {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
The exit is just below, Marina, Redwood and Coulter will catch up before we step out into Ignis Valley.
We arrive just in time to leave this place, because Marina takes us back to Atsail after splitting up with Redwood who decides to go and continue research. The New Elders have the Tablet Idol but Marina is certain they don’t know how to use it yet so we got some time.
Back at the Lab Marina reveals a couple of things: the original Elders sealed away Regigigas and Marina’s team found out which special move activates the Idol – Molten Raze. The one man who has mastered that move is the current Orbtus Champion – Herschel (!!) Whaaa…? Really, him? Wow. Give the man some props for keeping his status on the down low because who would’ve thunk it, huh? Marina suggests that Coulter help Redwood while we carry on towards Loamas Town for the final Badge. She also gives us HM04 Strength, nice. There are a couple of places we can explore further now so let’s cover them then proceed to Loamas Town.
Cosmic Caverns:
Pokemon Found [Levels: 36-42]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Boldore {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Carbink {Rock/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Excadrill {Ground/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
You like Strength puzzles? Good, me neither 🙂 the one waiting for us here involves moving the boulders into the 6 ditches on the left. This one clearly suits a video demonstration of the solution more than text form but I’m going to try to guide you through, starting with a little depiction:
(5) { }{ }
xxx (3)
xxx(4){ }(2) { }
{ } (1)
{ }
The Xs are the ditches, the numbered brackets represent the boulders and the other brackets are the crystals. Not bad, eh? Very first time I’ve done one of those in a walkthrough 🙂 although I’ve seen many official game text walkthroughs have them, what are they called, ASCII? Start off by pushing up Boulder #4, then push Boulder #5 to the left then down to the bottom right ditch. Circle round to Boulder #1, push it down and get to Boulder #5 to push it to the bottom left ditch. Push Boulder #4 down then Boulder #3 all the way to the top left ditch. Push Boulder #6 down to the middle upper ditch. Push up Boulder #4 and get it to the middle lower ditch. Boulder #2 and #1 should now be simple for you to move to the last 2 ditches. Once all ditches are filled the big boss crystal up ahead disappears and you can move on to the inner chamber. Waiting for us down there is a very familiar black triangle. Approach it and begin a brief game of pressing A and following after the triangle until it shatters and we meet our very first obtainable Mythical!
[xdeo] DEOXYS (Level 50)
– Normal Forme –
Type: Psychic
Ability: Pressure
Moves Known: Pursuit, Psychic, Snatch, Zen Headbutt
Fantastic. Return to Windmist City then Windmist Summit and enter Ignis Valley. Bring along a Rock Climber.
[rt28] IGNIS VALLEY (Part 1)
Pokemon Found [Grass & Rough Terrain Levels: 40-45]
Rhyhorn {Ground/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Machoke {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Rufflet {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pyroar[both] {Fire/Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Throh {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Sawk {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Gligar {Ground/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Sigilyph {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Head east, push down the boulder and turn to the bottom left side to pick up that Max Potion then carry on east. Go all the way to the southeast until you find an entrance to one area of the Ikos Ruins.
[rt28b] IKOS RUINS (Ignis Valley Area)
Pokemon Found [Level: 25]
Unown {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
The kinds of Unown found here are based on the glyphs you see on the walls, that’s a neat attention to detail. That Dome Fossil the real prize here. Exit the ruins and go west until you reach the steps which lead to the item ball just above you, it’s a Hyper Potion. Climb up the next steps and go east, scale down the wall to get that almost invisible Salamencite. Head back up and if you have a Twisted Spoon show it to that Psychic to receive an Alakazite. To the west from there is another Ancient Tablet, depicting Ho-Oh. That’s all for this section of the Valley, back to Atsail and prepare for the trek to Loamas Town.
That Rancher has finally moved the hay so we continue north to Pa’s house. He forgot to feed the Mareep so he asks for some help. He’ll give us 5 Oran Berries to feed them. Them memories of Moomoo Farm in Johto are flooding back haha, was it 7 Berries which were needed? Go into the wheat field just southwest from the house and search the bare spot for 5 Lum Berries. The Mareep are wandering around these Loamas Fields, one of them is along the southern path before reaching Pa’s house. Another one is in the barn where we found the Forklift Key. The Cowgirl outside Pa’s house wants to trade her Girafarig for a Cacturne, so remember her if you want one. Past her is Roger.
Rancher Roger
(Lv44 Tauros, Lv45 Emboar)
Prize: P900
Search the small pile of hay on the right for a Big Mushroom. Enter the barn to find and feed Mareep #3. Behind the barn is another barn with graffiti from Telmurk’s finest crew 🙂 100 Coins from there. Mareep #4 is in the wheat field on the left. Above it are Jax and Cassy.
Belle and Pa Jax & Cassy
(Lv44 all Gourgeist & Grumpig)
Prize: P4224
Go all the way east to see the last Mareep. Enter the barn below to get an Ampharosite. In the wheat field to the south is a Star Piece and to the right is a Hidden Grotto where we get a Cover Fossil. Head to the west side of this farmstead, there’s Ada and a Sun Stone in the wheat on the left.
Cowgirl Ada
(Lv43 all Gogoat, Bouffalant, Rapidash)
Prize: P1720
Return to Pa and collect that reward – TM48 X-Scissor. Loamas Town is just up north.
[013] LOAMAS TOWN – “The Agricultural Engine of Orbtus.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Gym
– Sgt. Stone’s House
– Winston Family’s House
– Richter’s House
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250 Full Restore P3000
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 33-35]
Marill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Azumarill {Water/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 5-20]
Corphish {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-32]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Clauncher {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Crawdaunt {Water/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Clawitzer {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
A pleasant looking farming town, home of the final Gym. Our first stop is at Sgt. Stone’s place, he’s a friend of resident Gym Leader Richter and we learn that he gives away Mega Stones to Trainers who have defeated Richter. Fair enough.
Surf across the pond to the bottom left to get that Ultra Ball. The Black Belt on the western side of the pond will give you a Mental Herb if you’re patient enough.
In the barn next to the Mart you’ll find 5 Premier Balls. Just behind Richter’s house is a Hidden Grotto occupied by a Lv48 Sudowoodo. Then we pay a visit to the Winston Family, who’ve taken a nice big page out of the Winstrate Family playbook because they are eager to take on any challengers who can face each family member one after the other in a gauntlet of battles. Ask yourself just how badly do you need that Winston cash money?
Winston Ma Lyla
(Lv45 all Glaceon, Nidoqueen, Delcatty)
Prize: P2700
Winston Pa Camron
(Lv45 all Leafeon, Liepard, Nidoking)
Prize: P2700
Winston Kid Esme
(Lv45 all Espeon, Stoutland, Pyroar[M])
Prize: P2700
Winston Kid Isaiah
(Lv45 Umbreon, Persian, Luxray)
Prize: P2700
**BATTLE NOTES: Isaiah has a Full Restore.
After that go in and speak to Camron for the reward – a cool 10 grand! How’s that for motivation before taking on the Gym?
Leader: Richter – “Sturdy, Stoic and Stern.”
Ground-type is the theme here and the puzzle involves moving boulders onto switches that will clear paths. These are light boulders so no need to bring any Strength. Warp tiles will also be available in case you get stuck and need to exit. One clue we know of about Richter is that his star Pokemon is a Mega Evolving Garchomp. First up is Errol.
Worker Errol
(Lv48 all Vibrava, Rhyhorn)
Prize: P2304
Above from him is Lincoln.
Ruin Maniac Lincoln
(Lv46 Hippowdon, Lv46 Excadrill, Lv48 Golurk)
Prize: P2304
Push that boulder to the switch on the left and open the path to that Worker up top, Pierce.
Worker Pierce
(Lv46 Wormadam[Bug/Ground], Lv48 Nidoqueen, Lv46 Gastrodon)
Prize: P2304
Now for a little puzzle trouble, it might look tricky at first but after a second glance it’s not. Push that first boulder to the switch on the left. Ignore the vertical ones for now, go down and push the middle boulder to the south switch. Right side boulder to the right switch and push the left side boulder off the left switch, then continue left to meet Russ.
PokeManiac Russ
(Lv48 Piloswine, Lv49 Mamoswine)
Prize: P2352
Push up the boulder next to him to the north switch then return to the top right and push the vertical boulders to their nearest switches then come back down to push that left side boulder back to the last switch, done. Move on up to battle Garrett first before we tackle the next puzzle.
Camper Garrett
(Lv46 all Gligar, Claydol, Seismitoad)
Prize: P920
Push the bottom boulder to the right, bring down the top boulder, push up the middle boulder then place it on the top switch. Top boulder goes onto the middle switch and bottom boulder onto the bottom switch. Final Gym Trainer Fulton coming up.
Ruin Maniac Fulton
(Lv46 Stunfisk, Lv47 Krokorok, Lv48 Krookodile)
Prize: P2304
No fancy talk from Richter, he’s all business and has one job to do – keep us from getting that 8th and final Badge. Good luck.
Leader Richter
(Lv50 Hippowdon, Lv50 Gastrodon, Lv52 Garchomp, Lv50 Excadrill, Lv50 Dugtrio)
Prizes: P5200 + Tectonic Badge + TM26 Earthquake
**BATTLE NOTES: Richter has some Full Restores.
– Hippowdon has the Sand Stream Ability.
– Gastrodon has the Stick Hold Ability.
– Garchomp & Dugtrio have the Sand Veil Ability, Mega Garchomp has Sand Force. Holding a Garchompite.
– Excadrill has the Sand Rush Ability.
Hippowdon Moves: Earthquake, Slack Off, Toxic, Thunder Fang
Gastrodon Moves: Earthquake, Muddy Water, Sludge Bomb, ???
Mega Garchomp Moves: Earthquake, Fire Fang, Dragon Rush, ???
Excadrill Moves: Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Earthquake
Dugtrio Moves: Sucker Punch, Sand Attack, Earthquake, ???
Well done, all 8 Badges have now been acquired! Good time to do a little happy dance 🙂 our next challenge is the Pokemon League, to get there we must travel through Ikos Canyon, stop by Ikos Town and then head north to Victory Falls and survive that. Sounds rough but I think we’ll do just fine.
Go back to Sgt. Stone and claim your reward: if you have Venusaur, Charizard and/or Blastoise he will give you their respective Mega Stone. When you’re done and ready, we move on to the west. Bring along a Rock Smasher and Rock Climber…and also be ready for battles in the middle of a raging sandstorm. Lovely.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 39-45]
Krokorok {Ground/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Vibrava {Ground/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Sandslash {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Dodrio {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Darmanitan {Fire} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Cacturne {Grass/Dark} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Hippopotas {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Hippowdon {Ground} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Gabite {Ground/Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Vullaby {Dark/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
We’ll be encountering wild Pokemon everywhere, be ready. Follow the path until we find the first Trainer, Sullivan.
Ruin Maniac Sullivan
(Lv45 all Barbaracle, Aurorus)
Prize: P2160
Southwest from him, smash the rock if you want to get that Carbos on the left. After climbing the steps turn north and search that small rock on the right for 5 Red Shards before taking on Selina on the left.
Ace Trainer Selina
(Lv44 Raichu, Lv44 Jynx, Lv46 Swellow)
Prize: P1656
Continue west, on the other side of the bridge is Durward.
Black Belt Durward
(Lv44 Mienshao, Lv46 Hawlucha)
Prize: P1104
North then east, behind the fence above you is an Energy Root hidden one step before you reach the big cactus. Climb those steps on the right and scale up the wall to get that Max Elixir, then search the smaller cactus below it for 3 Sitrus Berries. Back to the main path and head south.
Kindler Chesley
(Lv45 Volcarona)
Prize: P1440
Below him smash the rocks on the left and right to get 6 Blue Shards and 3 Green Shards from the middle one. Climb those steps, and search the rock above the Picnicker for a Hyper Potion. Below her is a Claw Fossil. Speak to the Hiker to get some Lemonade and then continue westward to the exit of the Canyon until we’re stopped by Coulter. This guy, wasn’t he told to help out Prof. Redwood? Well, it turns out he got bored of it, talk about reliability xD. He tells us that after trying to earn Richter’s Badge he has decided that the Gym challenge ain’t for him, but that won’t stop him from wanting another battle with us now. Out here, in the middle of a sandstorm. Really, dude, your non-Ground/Rock/Steel Pokemon are going to be exposed too you know xD.
Rival Coulter
(Lv49 Hariyama, Lv49 Rotom, Lv49 Gigalith, Lv49 Flareon, Lv51 Altaria, Lv51 Starter)
Prize: P1836
**BATTLE NOTES: Coulter has a Full Restore.
– Hariyama has the Thick Fat Ability.
– Rotom [Electric/Water version] has the Levitate Ability.
– Gigalith has the Sturdy Ability.
– Flareon has the Flash Fire Ability.
– Altaria has Natural Cure, Mega Altaria has Pixilate. Holding an Altarianite.
Hariyama Moves: Fake Out, Vital Throw, Knock Off, Bullet Punch
Rotom Moves: Will-o-Wisp, Electro Ball, Hydro Pump, Hex
Gigalith Moves: Stone Edge, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm
Flareon Moves: Flame Charge, Sand Attack, Dig, Quick Attack
Mega Altaria Moves: Dragon Pulse, Moonblast, Roost, Hyper Voice
We find out from him that Redwood has learned about something called a Key Tablet and it is located in the area of Ignis Valley where we ended up after going through the Catacombs. The New Elders are going to be showing up there and Coulter wants us to beat them to it, he’ll meet us in Ikos Town. Don’t follow him north yet, continue west to Marva.
Psychic Marva
(Lv50 Claydol)
Prize: P1000
Check the rock on the left for 5 Red Shards before scaling up the wall to get that Max Repel. Then go back and head north after Coulter. Go all the way up to get a Root Fossil. Smash the rock on the left from that platform and pick up the Full Restore. Come back down and carry on west to face Elnora.
Ace Trainer Elnora
(Lv48 all Klefki, Arbok, Slowking)
Prize: P1728
Then head up and west to finally leave this super dry place.
[014] IKOS TOWN – “Last Stop Before the League.”
Places of Interest
– PokeCenter
– PokeMart
– Herschel’s House
– Red Shard Meister’s House
– Ikos Ruins
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250 Full Restore P3000
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
Pokemon Found [Surf Levels: 35-40]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 95%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-18]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-30]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 33-36]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
You can see Coulter already standing outside Herschel’s house, but we’ll catch up to him soon after checking out the town.
The artist known as the Red Meister is home and offering to teach the following moves for them Red Shards:
Red Shards x2
– Heal Pulse
Red Shards x4
– Body Slam
Red Shards x6
– Cosmic Power
Red Shards x8
– Gyro Ball
– Play Rough
– High Jump Kick
Red Shards x10
– Frenzy Plant
– Blast Burn
– Hydro Cannon
– Draco Meteor
The Ace Trainer who lives next to the PokeCenter will battle you if you have Lucario in your party.
Ace Trainer Justin
(Lv50 Lucario)
Prize: P1800
– Lucario has Inner Focus, Mega Lucario has Adaptability. Holding a Lucarionite.
Mega Lucario Moves: Swords Dance, Bone Rush, Bullet Punch, Close Combat
For defeating him you’ll get that Lucarionite.
Southeast side of town has a chamber of the Ikos Ruins where you’ll find a Leaf Stone and Lv25 Unown. Same story, minus the Stone, in the chamber on the southwest side. That one just leads to an outside area where you’ll find a Rare Bone hidden by the rock.
At Herschel’s house we tell him why we’re here but to our surprise he refuses to teach the move (!?) somehow he thinks we’ll abuse it like how the New Elders might do. Come on Hersh, it’s not like you’re out there stopping them. Leave the house and just as Coulter comes up with a plan, there’s an earthquake! It came from Ignis Valley, Coulter heads on over there and we’ll follow whenever you’re ready. Remember, you’ll need Strength, Rock Smash and Rock Climb. To the west!
[rt30] IGNIS VALLEY (Part 2)
Pokemon Found [Grass & Rough Terrain Levels: 40-45]
Rhyhorn {Ground/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Machoke {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Rufflet {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pyroar[M] {Fire/Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Throh {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Sawk {Fighting} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Gligar {Ground/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Sigilyph {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
As soon as you arrive turn north to enter another Ikos Ruins chamber and pick up a Spell Tag. Then carry on all the way to the left to pick up a Burn Heal. Head south then west to meet Hudson.
Hiker Hudson
(Lv48 all Klang, Skarmory, Bronzong)
Prize: P1728
Climb up the next steps and go on to scale up the wall and pick up a Plume Fossil. Back to the main path and carry on to Dan.
Black Belt Dan
(Lv50 Hariyama)
Prize: P1200
Past him you’ll see a grass area to the south, go through it to pick up Stardust. Then back up for the Ace Trainer Double Battle.
Cool Couple Len & June
(Lv48 all Drifblim & Drapion)
Prize: P2304
Up the steps and circle round to the southwest, smashing the rock on the left just opens a path back to the Catacombs entrance we came out of so ignore it. Stay on the right side to get an Ultra Ball. Circle round to push the boulder and here we are, back in the first area of the valley. The only difference this time is that we’ve got company to deal with in the form of New Elders Grunts. Carry on south to meet the first one.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv48 all Yanmega, Bronzong)
Prize: P1536
Carry on east, next one is on the bottom left.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv47 Diggersby, Lv48 Staraptor, Lv47 Noctowl, Lv47 Watchog)
Prize: P1536
Past the grass area on the right, #3 then #4.
New Elders Grunt
(Lv48 all Donphan, Gliscor, Rampardos)
Prize: P1536
New Elders Grunt
(Lv48 all Weavile, Stoutland, Raticate)
Prize: P1536
Double battle next.
New Elders Grunts
(Lv48 all Abomasnow & Ursaring)
Prize: P3072
Return to the Ho-Oh Key Tablet and let that cut scene roll…
Morgana and the Elder Knights have reached the Key Tablet, they ready to witness the awakening…until Morgana tells them that the other Tablets need to be guarded. The trio leave and we show up to confront Morgana. Round 2 against the Elder Sage and she’s got a full team now, good luck.
Elder Sage Morgana
(Lv52 Mismagius, Lv54 Gengar, Lv52 Sigilyph, Lv52 Drapion, Lv52 Houndoom, Lv52 Salamence)
Prize: P3120
– Mismagius & Gengar have the Levitate Ability.
– Mega Gengar has Shadow Tag. Holding a Gengarite.
– Sigilyph has the Magic Guard Ability.
– Drapion has the Battle Armor Ability.
– Houndoom has the Early Bird Ability.
– Salamence has the Intimidate Ability.
Mismagius Moves: Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Power Gem
Mega Gengar Moves: Torment, Toxic, Shadow Ball, Magic Shine
Sigilyph Moves: Cosmic Power, Air Slash, Reflect, Psychic
Drapion Moves: Scary Face, Acupressure, Poison Fang, Night Slash
Houndoom Moves: Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Howl, Crunch
Salamence Moves: Molten Raze (!) no other moves. Somebody call Hersh!
Where, what, how, why? She already has a Pokemon that knows Molten Raze?! That book she got from us, turns out the Orbtus Elders put information about the technique in there and now Morgana has the power. She revives Salamence and has it use the move on the Tablet Idol…but afterwards they both disappear. Then we’re joined by Herschel, about damn time old dude xD. Now the entire region is in trouble because the Key Tablet has been activated. Herschel apologises for not stepping up against the New Elders and we return to his home to continue.
He tells us that Morgana has been transported to a place called the Chamber of Gaia, which is a prison the Orbtus Elders put in place for Regigigas. Because the Tablet Idol undid the Elder Seal which prevents access to the Chamber, Morgana was able to go there. That would be a problem if there was only one Tablet Idol, but we find out that there is a second one which is made up of 3 seperate Idol Pieces. Somebody’s gotta find them so we can rebuild it, so you know what that means – fetch quest time 🙂 we are going back to the each of the Ancient Tablets for them and thanks to Herschel’s Alakazam we can fast travel to them. Prepare yourself then speak to Alakazam, we’ll be going in order.
We return to Archan Town for the Relicanth Tablet and the final showdown against the first Elder Knight we fought, Eunice.
Elder Knight Eunice
(Lv52 Aurorus, Lv52 Gastrodon, Lv52 Froslass, Lv54 Abomasnow, Lv52 Noctowl)
Prize: P2160
**BATTLE NOTES: Eunice has some Full Restores.
– Aurorus & both Abomasnow have the Storm Warning Ability. Holding an Abomasite.
– Gastrodon has the Sticky Hold Ability.
– Froslass has the Snow Cloak Ability.
– Noctowl has the Insomnia Ability.
Aurorus Moves: Light Screen, Mist, Ice Beam, Reflect
Gastrodon Moves: Earthquake, Recover, AncientPower, Scald
Froslass Moves: Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Ominous Wind, Drain Kiss
Mega Abomasnow Moves: Ingrain, Blizzard, Wood Hammer, Ice Shard
Noctowl Moves: Uproar, Roost, Moonblast, Air Slash
We can send Morgana a thank you for taking Regice with her because Eunice would’ve used it against us here…but now that means Morgana could use it against us :/ one Knight down, two more to go. After Eunice leaves, go up and touch the Tablet, we’ll teleport to a small chamber where we pick up the first Idol Piece. Move down to the south side of the room to teleport back. Speak to Alakazam for the next destination.
Waiting in front of the Tangrowth Tablet in Seros Village is Enoch.
Elder Knight Enoch
(Lv52 Tyrantrum, Lv52 Machamp, Lv54 Aerodactyl, Lv52 Golurk, Lv52 Diggersby)
Prize: P2160
**BATTLE NOTES: Enoch has got a Full Restore.
– Tyrantrum has the Strong Jaw Ability.
– Machamp has the Guts Ability.
– Aerodactyl has Rock Head, Mega Aerodactyl has Tough Claws. Holding an Aerodactite.
– Golurk has the Iron Fist Ability.
– Diggersby has the Pickup Ability.
Tyrantrum Moves: Stealth Rock, Head Smash, Outrage, Dragon Tail
Machamp Moves: Scary Face, Knock Off, Bulk Up, Cross Chop
Mega Aerodactyl Moves: Rock Slide, Aerial Ace, Fire Fang, Ice Fang
Golurk Moves: Shadow Punch, Iron Defense, Earthquake, DynamicPunch
Diggersby Moves: Super Fang, Frustration, Bulk Up, Earthquake
No Regirock to help him, so he leaves too. Pick up Idol Piece #2 and go on to face Ezekiel in Nemesis Cave. Final Knight fight coming up.
Elder Knight Ezekiel
(Lv52 Skarmory, Lv52 Cradily, Lv52 Claydol, Lv54 Aggron, Lv52 Aegislash)
Prize: P2160
**BATTLE NOTES: Ezekiel’s got a Full Restore.
– Skarmory has the Keen Eye Ability.
– Cradily has the Suction Cups Ability.
– Claydol has the Levitate Ability.
– Aggron has the Sturdy, Mega Aggron has Filter. Holding an Aggronite.
– Aegislash has the StanceChange Ability.
Skarmory Moves: Steel Wing, Spikes, Night Slash, Roost
Cradily Moves: Confuse Ray, Brine, Energy Ball, AncientPower
Claydol Moves: Earth Power, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot
Mega Aggron Moves: Earthquake, Iron Head, Sandstorm, Stone Edge
Aegislash Moves: Swords Dance, Kings Shield, Iron Head, Shadow Sneak
No Registeel for Ezekiel, get the last Idol Piece and return to Herschel’s place. He takes the pieces and give us the remade Tablet Idol. He also tells us that the Elders set in place another measure to contain Regigigas and that it is on Katosurf Island. But one of us has to chase after Morgana. When you’re ready to leave for Ignis Valley say Yes to him, because after that we’re going straight to the final battle so now is your last chance to prepare.
Back at Ignis Valley Herschel wishes us good luck, has Salamence use Molten Raze on the Tablet and off we go.
We march on up to face Morgana and hear her pre-battle monologue. Another villain who wants to reshape the world into her own desired image, never get old eh? For the last time, we take on the Elder Sage.
Elder Sage Morgana
(Lv55 Mismagius, Lv57 Gengar, Lv55 Drapion, Lv55 Houndoom, Lv55 Sigilyph)
Prize: P3420
**BATTLE NOTES: Morgana has a Full Restore.
– Mismagius & Gengar have the Levitate Ability.
– Mega Gengar has Shadow Tag. Holding a Gengarite.
– Drapion has the Battle Armor Ability.
– Houndoom has the Early Bird Ability.
– Sigilyph has the Magic Guard Ability.
Mismagius Moves: Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Taunt, Power Gem
Mega Gengar Moves: Torment, Toxic, Shadow Ball, Magic Shine
Drapion Moves: Scary Face, Night Slash, Poison Fang, Knock Off
Houndoom Moves: Fire Fang, Howl, Crunch, Thunder Fang
Sigilyph Moves: Cosmic Power, Air Slash, Reflect, Psychic
Damn, that was just the appetiser! Morgana plays her trump cards and with the help of the 3 Regis she summons Regigigas. Here we go again, final boss battle reloaded!
Elder Sage Morgana
(Lv55 Regirock, Lv57 Regigigas, Lv55 Registeel, Lv55 Regice)
Prize: P4560
– All have the Clear Body Ability.
– Regirock is holding a Hard Stone.
– Registeel is holding a Metal Coat.
– Regice is holding Nevermeltice.
Regirock Moves: Rock Polish, Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Earthquake
Regigigas Moves: Revenge, Crush Grip, Zen Headbutt, Molten Raze
Registeel Moves: Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, AncientPower, Iron Head
Regice Moves: Amnesia, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Charge Beam
Just when Morgana thinks she’s going to win by taking advantage of Regigigas rampaging, the other Titans leave the scene and Regigigas goes dormant once more. Phewwww. Herschel arrives with the police, he reveals that he stopped Regigigas by using something called the Katosurf Lock (which also sounds like a wrestling submission hold xD). Morgana says this isn’t over but by then we’re walking out, so who knows…
Back in town all is well again, the Titans have been sealed away and now we get back to the real business of aiming for the League. Herschel suspects that without Morgana around, the Elder Knights will not be much of a threat and he has made sure that the Katosurf Lock is highly secured. He gives us the final HM for Waterfall and after he leaves, we’re joined by Coulter who is back in Rival mode…even though he told us he was done with the whole Gym Challenge thing. So we’ll be fighting him AGAIN later on :/ just as I was glad to see him move on to do other things. There are a couple of places we can now explore thanks to HM Waterfall, we’ll cover them first then begin the long walk to the League.
West side of Valoon Way: Above the waterfall is an Ability Pill.
Cosmic Caverns, north area: Not just one waterfall but two! Above them is a Mawilite.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-46]
Braviary {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Dodrio {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gligar {Ground/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swanna {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Braviary {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Dodrio {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Unfezant {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Mandibuzz {Dark/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 32-35]
Tentacool {Water/Poison}
Tentacruel {Water/Poison}
Seaking {Water}
Frillish {Water/Ghost}
– Old Rod [Levels: 7-20]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 22-31]
Magikarp {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 34-36]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Starmie {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gyarados {Water/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
– Dive [Levels: 33-35]
Skrelp {Poison/Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Clamperl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Chinchou {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 8%]
Lanturn {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 2%]
Surf south from Atsail City, just on the right side is a Dive spot, drop there. Head southwest to find Bernadine.
Free Diver Bernadine
(Lv41 Lanturn, Lv42 Milotic)
Prize: P168
Carry on to resurface from the southeast. In the next area is an island, scale up the waterfall and find TM11 Stone Edge before going into the Secret Temple on the right to get an Aggronite. Scale down the second waterfall and surf south for a short distance until you see a right side turn, follow it to a small Dive spot and go under. Search the dark spot next to you for a Star Piece then head north, there’s a rock on the left with 5 Red Shards. Resurface and go up to get that Flame Orb from the southeast side of the island we were at. Return to the main path where there is a deep trench just south of the second waterfall, dive there. Search the rock that you find for Zinc then continue south to meet Rupa and go on to resurface from the southern end.
Free Diver Rupa
(Lv42 Feraligatr)
Prize: P168
Back outside on the sea, go east then south to Dive into another trench. Search the rock on the left for a Heart Scale then the sea shell for a Big Pearl. Resurface to take on Raquelle.
Swimmer[F] Raquelle
(Lv38 all Clauncher, Clawitzer)
Prize: P152
Nestpine Climb, just outside Nestpine Town: What we find above the waterfall here is an entrance to a whole new area, brace yourself.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Duosion {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gothorita {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Beheeyem {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Mr. Mime {Psychic/Fairy} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Slowpoke {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Slowbro {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 41-44]
Slowpoke {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Slowbro {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Psyduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Golduck {Water} [Encounter Rate: 4%]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-17]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 21-24]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 40-44]
Staryu {Water} [Encounter Rate: 80%]
Starmie {Water/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Interesting. Not even the Gaia wiki walkthrough covers this place, how odd. Follow the path until you surf across a pool to find a ladder up top, skip the ladder and cirle round to the southwest for TM41 Dragon Dance. Back to the ladder.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Wobbuffet {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Piloswine {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Musharna {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Gothitelle {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Dratini {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-44]
Wobbuffet {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Piloswine {Ice/Ground} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Beheeyem {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Reuniclus {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Dratini {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
One more ladder at the top of those steps. Now you know how to get here, because what’s waiting at the Peak is the strongest opponent we’ve faced up to this point in the game. Come back whenever you’re strong enough, or…..
-The Peak-
[xray] RAYQUAZA (Level 70!)
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Air Lock
Moves Known: Rest, ExtremeSpeed, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance
Vicious. If you succeeded in catching it without wasting that family heirloom of a Master Ball, great stuff 🙂 return to Ikos Town, gear up and go north. It should go without saying but bring along your HM Pokemon, specifically Surf, Dive, Waterfall, Cut, Rock Smash and Rock Climb.
[rt33] VICTORY FALLS – “The Climb to the Pokemon League!”
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-46]
Sawsbuck {Normal/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Sunflora {Grass} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Heliolisk {Electric/Normal} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Altaria {Dragon/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Audino {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Togetic {Fairy/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Chansey {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Rock Smash [Levels: 40-45]
Shuckle {Bug/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Surf [Levels: 35-40]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Floatzel {Water} [Encounter Rate: 30%]
Lombre {Water/Grass} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 4-20]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 20-26]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 34-37]
Luvdisc {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Alomomola {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
So it begins, the last stretch. Over the waterfall and the first person we meet is Reed.
Ace Trainer Reed
(Lv50 all Shelgon, Kingdra)
Prize: P1800
Nice touch with the autumn look and the ruins of an ancient city all around. Some of these Trainers have at least one Hyper Potion, just so you know. To the west from him is a Medichamite. Turn east to find Antonia.
Ace Trainer Antonia
(Lv49 all Staraptor, Solrock, Lunatone, Starmie)
Prize: P1764
Almost camouflaged by the grass on the right is a Pink Bow. Then go northwest to Terrie and the first entrance to Victory Road.
Artist Terrie
(Lv55 all Smeargle x2)
Prize: P880
– Both Smeargle are holding a Focus Sash.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 41-46]
Golbat {Poison/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Lickitung {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Bronzong {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Claydol {Ground/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Chimecho {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Golurk {Ground/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
The exit is all the way to the right. Outside, go down the steps and pick up the Rare Candy in the grass on the left side of the wall. Back up and take on Arnie.
Ace Trainer Arnie
(Lv49 all Seismitoad, Pidgeot, Heatmor, Lilligant)
Prize: P1764
Carry on to the next Victory Road entrance.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-46]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Boldore {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pawniard {Dark/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Lickitung {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Chimecho {Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Bronzong {Steel/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Gigalith {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
– Surf [Levels: 42-46]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
Floatzel {Water} [Encounter Rate: 9%]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 1%]
– Old Rod [Levels: 40-45]
Poliwag {Water} [Encounter Rate: 100%]
– Good Rod [Levels: 41-46]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 90%]
– Super Rod [Levels: 41-46]
Poliwhirl {Water} [Encounter Rate: 60%]
Basculin {Water} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
– Dive [Levels: 41-46]
Relicanth {Water/Rock} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Huntail {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Gorebyss {Water} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Lanturn {Water/Electric} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
Skrelp {Poison/Water} [Encounter Rate: 10%]
We meet quite the celebrity here, that old man is a former Elite 4 and his daughter Kara is in his place now. So this is what retirement from the Elite 4 looks like xD. Make your way to the left side to get Calcium before scaling up the waterfall. Check the rock on the right above the waterfall for a Revive. Smash the rock up top to get that Black Sludge.
Crush Kin Ken & Meg
(Lv49 all Machoke & Primeape)
Prize: P2352
Ruin Maniac Dennis
(Lv54 Tyrantrum)
Prize: P2592
Over on the left side is a Dive spot and a ladder. Underwater, circle round to the north side and open the shell to get Relic Gold. Head south where we meet Mavis.
Free Diver Mavis
(Lv53 all Lanturn, Swampert)
Prize: P212
Resurface from the left and we pop up on the southwest side of the 2F, carry on to the right to face Ian and then pick up a Garchompite.
Ace Trainer Ian
(Lv49 all Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise)
Prize: P1764
Now we can go for that ladder.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 40-46]
Pawniard {Dark/Steel} [Encounter Rate: 40%]
Swoobat {Psychic/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Golurk {Ground/Ghost} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Claydol {Ground/Psychic} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Druddigon {Dragon} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Gigalith {Rock} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Circle round to the exit on the south side.
Hiker Vance
(Lv52 all Exploud, Clefable)
Prize: P1872
Outside move down to scale down the wall for a Hyper Potion then carry on east.
Ace Trainer Trenton
(Lv50 all Claydol, Zebstrika, Seaking)
Prize: P1800
The bare spot in the grass surrounded by a wall has an Ether while in the grass below is a Full Heal. Zula and Cordell are up top.
Ace Trainer Zula
(Lv49 all Magnezone, Stunfisk, Ampharos, Bronzong)
Prize: P1764
Ace Trainer Cordell
(Lv51 all Granbull, Lickilicky)
Prize: P1836
Go northeast from him, smash the rock (this is the rock you come back to if you want Shuckle) and get TM22 Solarbeam in the grass below. Then carry on west to find Nurse Florence.
Nurse Florence
(Lv49 all Blissey, Audino, Clefable, Wigglytuff)
Prize: P3528
In the grass area just south from her is a Parlyz Heal. Southwest from that is a bush, search it for an Ultra Ball. Scale down the waterfall, you’ll see a Hiker who is looking for a Pokemon that “reforms mountains for its home” and if you have it, show him. Who’s that Pokemon?? Tyranitar! *insert Tyranitar’s anime cry here*. For showing him you will receive a Tyranitarite. Below the next waterfall is a Skull Fossil. Back to Florence and ascend the waterfall there.
Ace Trainer Murphy
(Lv50 all Raticate, Muk)
Prize: P1800
Scale down the wall below to get a Full Restore. Head up then east to Abeline
Ace Trainer Abeline
(Lv49 all Krookodile, Arcanine, Conkeldurr, Alakazam)
Prize: P1764
In the bare spot in the grass is a Thunder Stone and below Abeline is the Armor Fossil. She lets us know about one of the Elite 4, Nicola, who uses Electric-types. Head west to find a Revive behind the wall and finally meet Katie, the person who wants to trade her Beldum for a Ferroseed. Just before you reach the final waterfall here comes Coulter for his scheduled final match. Let’s get it over with.
Rival Coulter
(Lv53 Hariyama, Lv53 Gigalith, Lv53 Flareon, Lv53 Rotom, Lv55 Altaria, Lv55 Starter)
Prize: P1980
**BATTLE NOTES: Coulter has a Full Restore.
– Hariyama has the Thick Fat Ability.
– Gigalith has the Sturdy Ability.
– Flareon has the Flash Fire Ability.
– Rotom [Electric/Water version] has the Levitate Ability.
– Altaria has Natural Cure, Mega Altaria has Pixilate. Holding an Altarianite.
Hariyama Moves: Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Knock Out, Close Combat
Gigalith Moves: Iron Defense, Sandstorm, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
Flareon Moves: Flame Charge, Sand Attack, Dig, Quick Attack
Rotom Moves: Will-o-Wisp, Discharge, Hydro Pump, Hex
Mega Altaria Moves: Dragon Pulse, Moonblast, Roost, Hyper Voice
It really could’ve been an interesting shift for his character if he’d either continued working with Prof. Redwood or started on a new journey to pursue something else after dropping the Gym Challenge, but nope. He wishes us good luck and goes off to continue training. Now I wonder what role he’ll have in the post-game arc. Scale up the waterfall, we’re finally there.
Pokeball P200 Great Ball P600 Ultra Ball P1200
Potion P300 Super Potion P700 Full Heal P600
Hyper Potion P1200 Revive P1500 Max Repel P700
Antidote P100 Parlyz Heal P200 Max Potion P2500
Awakening P250 Burn Heal P250 Full Restore P3000
Ice Heal P250 Escape Rope P550
Repel P350 Super Repel P500
Well done on making it to the big time 🙂 quite the journey we’ve had, eh? And the cherry on top is that the Elite 4 can be faced in any order! Great stuff. Last minute prep time, once you’re done head on up and watch the door close behind you. We’ll find 4 open doorways: Electric, Dark, Fighting and Grass. They all have full teams.
First match is against Nicola, Edashore Town’s own. How much power can she bring?
Elite Four Nicola
(Lv56 Galvantula, Lv56 Magnezone, Lv56 Electivire, Lv56 Eelektross, Lv56 Lanturn, Lv58 Manectric)
Prize: P5800
**BATTLE NOTES: Nicola has some Full Restores.
– Galvantula has the Compoundeyes Ability.
– Magnezone has the Magnet Pull Ability.
– Electivire has the Motor Drive Ability.
– Eelektross has the Levitate Ability.
– Lanturn has the Volt Absorb Ability.
– Manectric has Static, Mega Manectric has Intimidate. Holding a Manectite.
Galvantula Moves: Sticky Web, Bug Buzz, Volt Switch, Sucker Punch
Magnezone Moves: Double Team, Flash Cannon, Light Screen, Discharge
Electivire Moves: Wild Charge, Fire Punch, Low Sweep, Rock Slide
Eelektross Moves: Coil, Crunch, Acrobatics, Discharge
Lanturn Moves: Amnesia, Ice Beam, Confuse Ray, Surf
Mega Manectric Moves: Charge, Thunder, Flamethrower, Roar
Next door we meet Knight, the master reader of opponents and perhaps a world class fencer as well.
Elite Four Knight
(Lv56 Bisharp, Lv56 Malamar, Lv56 Honchkrow, Lv56 Sharpedo, Lv58 Absol, Lv56 Weavile)
Prize: P5800
**BATTLE NOTES: Knight has a Full Restore.
– Bisharp has the Inner Focus Ability.
– Malamar has the Suction Cups Ability.
– Honchkrow has the Insomnia Ability.
– Sharpedo has the Rough Skin Ability.
– Regular & Mega Absol have the Pressure the Ability. Holding an Absolite.
– Weavile has the Pressure the Ability.
Bisharp Moves: Swords Dance, Iron Head, Knock Off, Sucker Punch
Malamar Moves: Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Slash, Superpower
Honchkrow Moves: Thunder Wave, Sucker Punch, Fly, Pursuit
Sharpedo Moves: Protect, Aqua Tail, Crunch, Earthquake
Mega Absol Moves: Night Slash, Will-o-Wisp, X-Scissor, Razor Wind
Weavile Moves: Poison Jab, Night Slash, Metal Claw, Ice Shard
Room #3 has Kara, who just wants to prove herself to everyone since she’s the youngest of the Elite 4 and people claim she got the position because of her family. Them haters though xD.
Elite Four Kara
(Lv56 Mienshao, Lv56 Lucario, Lv56 Hawlucha, Lv56 Scrafty, Lv56 Medicham, Lv58 Blaziken)
Prize: P5800
**BATTLE NOTES: Kara has a Full Restore.
– Mienshao has the Regenerator Ability.
– Lucario has the Inner Focus Ability.
– Hawlucha has the Limber Ability.
– Scrafty has the Shed Skin Ability.
– Medicham has the Pure Power Ability.
– Blaziken has Blaze, Mega Blaziken has Speed Boost. Holding a Blazikenite.
Mienshao Moves: Meditate, U-Turn, Drain Punch, Fake Out
Lucario Moves: Metal Sound, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse
Hawlucha Moves: Hone Claws, X-Scissor, High Jump Kick, Bounce
Scrafty Moves: Crunch, Low Sweep, Rock Climb, Rest
Medicham Moves: Psycho Cut, Acupressure, High Jump Kick, Recover
Mega Blaziken Moves: HighJumpKick, Flare Blitz, Protect, Quick Attack
The final Elite 4 member is old man Leif, who disses our height as soon as he sees us xD. Doesn’t matter that he is aware of our work with Redwood. So we must prove ourselves to him.
Elite Four Leif
(Lv56 Ludicolo, Lv58 Sceptile, Lv56 Ferrothorn, Lv56 Amoonguss, Lv56 Trevenant, Lv56 Whimsicott)
Prize: P5800
**BATTLE NOTES: Leif has a Full Restore.
– Ludicolo has the Swift Swim Ability.
– Sceptile has Overgrow, Mega Sceptile has LightningRod. Holding a Sceptilite.
– Ferrothorn has the Iron Barbs Ability.
– Amoonguss has the Effect Spore Ability.
– Trevenant has the Natural Cure Ability.
– Whimsicott has the Prankster Ability.
Ludicolo Moves: Rain Dance, Surf, Giga Drain, Focus Blast
Mega Sceptile Moves: Leaf Blade, Dual Chop, Night Slash, X-Scissor
Ferrothorn Moves: Power Whip only
Amoonguss Moves: Sludge Bomb, Spore, Giga Drain, Synthesis
Trevenant Moves: Leech Seed, Shadow Ball, Will-o-Wisp, Horn Leech
Whimsicott Moves: Moonblast, Attract, Swagger, Leech Seed
That takes care of the Elite 4, they weren’t a bad lot. They had a specific type that they built their teams around but mixed things up as far as the Pokemon in those teams go, thumbs up. Outside the rooms a warp spot has appeared, you have one chance to prepare before going up to meet Herschel. The man doesn’t waste any time with the usual pre-battle speech that Champions tend to deliver. This is it folks, the battle for title! Good luck!
Champion Herschel
(Lv58 Wailord, Lv58 Alakazam, Lv58 Tangrowth, Lv58 Yanmega, Lv58 Mamoswine, Lv60 Salamence)
Prize: P6000
**BATTLE NOTES: Herschel has a Full Restore.
– Wailord has the Water Veil Ability. Holding a Choice Scarf.
– Alakazam has the Synchronize Ability.
– Tangrowth has the Chlorophyll Ability. Holding an Assault Vest.
– Yanmega has the Speed Boost Ability.
– Mamoswine has the Thick Fat Ability. Holding an Assault Vest.
– Salamence has Intimidate, Mega Salamence has Aerilate. Holding a Salamencite.
Wailord Moves: Surf, Water Spout, Ice Beam only
Alakazam Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Light Screen, Recover
Tangrowth Moves: Giga Drain only
Yanmega Moves: Bug Buzz, Detect, Air Slash, AncientPower
Mamoswine Moves: Earthquake, Ice Shard, Avalanche only
Mega Salamence Moves: Hyper Voice, Outrage, Earthquake, Flamethrower
Congratulations, you are now the NEW Orbtus region’s Champion! The Hall of Fame induction follows and the unskippable credits roll, but unlike a lot of credits which are copy pasted from the official game credits, these ones do offer some important news: Regigigas and the Titans are to be made available in Gaia v4 :/ we’ve also known during the main story that there is no post-game content, so what happens after the credits end….?
|||||||\\\AFTER THE GAME////|||||||
We’re back in Celanto Town and Prof. Redwood comes over…well, “higher power” form Prof. Redwood xD. This is where Spherical Ice informs players that they’ve reached the end of this version and will have to wait for the remaining content. Besides conquering the Battle Marsh and going around to check for any stuff you may have missed, there are a couple of battles waiting for us now that the business with the New Elders is out of the way. Also, there’s a monster to be found in Rimewood Forest. Return to Windmist City and head northwest, you’re the Champ now so nobody is there to stop you. Bring a Pokemon that can Cut. Right by the entrance, search the rock on the left for an Elixir.
Pokemon Found [Levels: 24-27]
Snover {Grass/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Pineco {Bug} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Munchlax {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 20%]
Noctowl {Normal/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Murkrow {Dark/Flying} [Encounter Rate: 15%]
Sneasel {Dark/Ice} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
Aipom {Normal} [Encounter Rate: 5%]
This reminds me of walking through Admin Woods in Pokemon Clover, which had their own monster. Head north then southeast to find an Ether. Then carry on west until you reach a spot where a lot of trees have been cut down. The item on the right is an HP Up. Continue west to the last area and we meet the monster! Catch it or defeat it, your call.
ABOMASNOW (Level 40)
Type: Grass/Ice
Ability: Snow Warning
Moves Known: Mist, Ice Shard, Ingrain, Wood Hammer
Afterwards a lumberjack shows up, surprised to see that Abomasnow has calmed down. He realises that it was upset because of the tree cutting that the lumberjacks have been doing and so from now on they’ll make sure to plant a tree for each one they cut. He gives us a Life Orb and leaves to tell the crew at the Guild. Go to the left to get an Abomasite and a Rare Bone from the bush under it. Exit the forest.
The first battle is a rematch against our gangster pal Akuto at the Telmurk Game Corner. He’s impressed by how we dealt with the New Elders and all, so he’s ready to show that he’s still the real boss around here. Oh sure 🙂 he’s packing a full team this time, why so serious?
Mightyena Boss Akuto
(Lv52-54 Mightyena x2, Lv52 Scrafty, Lv52 Bouffalant, Lv52 Staraptor, Lv52 Aggron)
Prize: P1728
**BATTLE NOTES: Akuto has a Full Restore.
– Both Mightyena have the Intimidate Ability. Lv52 holds a Quick Claw while Lv54 holds an Assault Vest.
– Scrafty has the Shed Skin Ability. Holding a Black Belt.
– Bouffalant has the Reckless Ability. Holding a Silk Scarf.
– Staraptor has the Intimidate Ability. Holding a Sharp Beak.
– Aggron has the Sturdy Ability. Holding a Metal Coat.
Mightyena 52 Moves: Scary Face, Toxic, Crunch, Roar
Scrafty Moves: Head Smash, Bulk Up, High Jump Kick, Rest
Bouffalant Moves: Work Up, Head Smash, Pursuit, Revenge
Mightyena 54 Moves: Thunder Fang, Crunch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang
Staraptor Moves: Brave Bird, Roost, Close Combat, Quick Attack
Aggron Moves: Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Dragon Tail
He’s not a sore loser but he does politely tell us to leave xD, same old Akuto. Battle #2 will happen on the second floor of the Aerous Museum. Remember the painting with a combination lock? If not, go all the way to east end of the corridor, stand on the stool and interact with the wall. The combination, according to Gaia wiki, is 1104. It’s a bit weird that we didn’t meet a character who brings this up. A doorway opens and in the next room is a girl (?) who just shouts “Pingas!” when spoken to (??). Eh?
Meme Lord Showtan
(Lv60 all Weedle, Togekiss, Sigilyph, Slowbro, Shuckle, Drapion)
Prize: P1440
– Weedle has the Shield Dust Ability. Holding Choice Specs.
– Togekiss has the Hustle Ability. Holding Leftovers.
– Sigilyph has the Magic Guard Ability. Holding a Flame Orb.
– Slowbro has the Oblivious Ability. Holding a Leppa Berry.
– Shuckle has the Sturdy Ability. Holding Leftovers.
– Drapion has the Battle Armor Ability. Holding Black Sludge.
Weedle Moves: Poison Sting only, go figure xD.
Togekiss Moves: Thunder Wave, AncientPower, Metronome, Roost
Sigilyph Moves: Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Roost
Slowbro Moves: Heal Pulse, Block, Slack Off, Recycle
Shuckle Moves: Rollout, Rest, Sleep Talk, Acupressure
Drapion Moves: Acupressure, Knock Off, Rest, Sleep Talk
Rekt indeed xD, don’t speak to Showtan afterwards because you’ll fight again. I guess you can consider this as a nice place to train.
The third battle takes place at the Game Freak office in Atsail City. Cynjo’s ready if you are, full team and all. Ora!
Pokemon Trainer Cynjo
(Lv61 Cyndaquil, Lv59 Swampert, Lv60 Gliscor, Lv65 Dialga?!, Lv58 Machamp, Lv61 Escavalier)
Prize: P4720
**BATTLE NOTES: Cynjo has a Full Restore.
– Cyndaquil has the Blaze Ability. Holding an Eviolite.
– Swampert has Torrent, Mega Swampert has Swift Swim. Holding a Swampertite.
– Gliscor has the Hyper Cutter Ability.
– Dialga has the Pressure Ability.
– Machamp has the Guts Ability.
– Escavalier has the Swarm Ability.
Cyndaquil Moves: Eruption, Rollout, Defense Curl, Quick Attack
Mega Swampert Moves: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Waterfall, Hammer Arm
Gliscor Moves: Acrobatics, Swords Dance, Substitute, X-Scissor
Dialga Moves: Toxic, Flash Cannon, Flamethrower, Roar of Time
Machamp Moves: Bulk Up, Knock Off, DynamicPunch, Dual Chop
Escavalier Moves: Iron Head, X-Scissor, Double-Edge, Slash
I see that Cynjo’s a fan of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure hahaha, modelling his sprites after Jotaro from Jojo Part 3 🙂
So where were we? The Single Battle Tournament upstairs: you choose 3 Pokemon and speak to the Black Belt on the left to enter. Your Pokemon and the opponents’ Pokemon will all be Lv50 and they can compete while holding items too (a lot of the opponents have at least one Pokemon that is holding a Focus Sash). Quite a few that know Fake Out. You can’t use any other items during battles because healing is done in between matches. After defeating a Marsh Boss you earn a Trophy. Here they are:
After defeating 20 Challengers we meet Marsh Boss #1, Iris.
Marsh Boss Iris
(Lv50 all Delphox, Vileplume, Gengar)
– Delphox has the Blaze Ability. Holding a Life Orb.
– Vileplume has the Chlorophyll Ability. Holding Black Sludge.
– Gengar has the Levitate Ability, Mega Gengar has Shadow Tag. Holding a Gengarite.
Delphox Moves: Calm Mind, Psychic, Substitute, Fire Blast
Vileplume Moves: Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Moonlight
Mega Gengar Moves: Sludge Wave, Taunt, Shadow Ball, ???
After defeating 40 Challengers we meet Lister.
Marsh Boss Lister
(Lv50 all Porygon-Z, Doublade, Slowbro)
– Porygon-Z has the Adaptability Ability. Holding a Life Orb.
– Doublade has the No Guard Ability. Holding a Jaw Fossil!
– Slowbro has Oblivious, Mega Slowbro has Shell Armor. Holding a Slowbronite.
Porygon-Z Moves: Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot, Tri Attack
Doublade Moves: Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, Swords Dance, Gyro Ball
Mega Slowbro Moves: Slack Off, Scald, Calm Mind, Iron Defense
After defeating 60 Challengers we meet Christos.
Marsh Boss Christos
(Lv50 all Spheal, Gyarados, Whimsicott)
– Spheal has the Thick Fat Ability. Holding Leftovers.
– Gyarados has Intimidate, Mega Gyarados has Pressure. Holding a Gyaradosite.
– Whimsicott has the Prankster. Holding Leftovers.
Spheal Moves: Surf, Toxic, Super Fang, Roar
Mega Gyarados Moves: Crunch, Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Earthquake
Whimsicott Moves: Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Substitute, Protect
After defeating 80 Challengers we meet Amy.
Marsh Boss Amy
(Lv50 all Greninja, Mawile, Talonflame)
Prize: P4000
– Greninja has the Torrent Ability. Holding a Life Orb.
– Mawile has Hyper Cutter, Mega Mawile has Huge Power. Holding a Mawilite.
– Talonflame has Flame Body Ability. Holding a Life Orb.
Greninja Moves: Protect, Dark Pulse, Surf, Ice Beam
Mega Mawile Moves: Iron Head, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, ???
Talonflame Moves: Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Roost, ???
After getting through all the 100 challengers you face the founder of the facility – final boss Shinoya!
Marsh Boss Shinoya
(Lv50 all Chandelure, Salamence, Lopunny)
– Chandelure has the Flash Fire Ability. Holding a Life Orb.
– Salamence has the Intimidate Ability. Holding ???
– Lopunny has Cute Charm, Mega Lopunny has Scrappy. Holding a Lopunnite.
Chandelure Moves: Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, ???, ???
Salamence Moves: Draco Meteor, Outrage, Earthquake, Hydro Pump
Mega Lopunny Moves: Fake Out, HighJumpKick, Ice Punch, Frustration
Congratulations for becoming the Battle Marsh Champ! Now THAT is how you put this fine adventure of ours on hold until Gaia v4 comes out 🙂 let’s get to the final section now.
How was Pokemon Gaia v3.2 for you after all that? Good? Bad? Somewhere in the middle? I’m glad to see that Gaia still holds up since I last played it a few years back. I wasn’t playing the game with any audio because of hardware trouble so no chance to hear the soundtrack, but I hope to listen to it sometime. It is games like this which I enjoy: story-driven with a well designed region waiting to be travelled through and explored, has modern features (thumbs up for the HMs which don’t require specific Gym Badges for out-of-battle usage) and is packed with plenty of Pokemon. I also liked that there were guides which come with the game, that really helps me as I work on a walkthrough and I hope to see more of this from newer games. My one negative about Gaia is about the absense of the first forms of many Pokemon, so you’re forced to breed their evolved forms if you want those first forms. I like catching Pokemon and training them as I progress through a game, which is why spending time with the Day-Care crew to breed Pokemon doesn’t seem fun to me. If there just wasn’t enough room to include those first forms I’ll understand but it was a little disappointing. I won’t count the absense of the post-game content as a negative, you get plenty of content just from the main game alone and that’s alright with me. Hopefully players won’t have to wait some more for v4 to be released, a lot has happened since v3.2 came out, especially in 2020 and now early 2021.
Any feedback you have about the game be sure to contact Spherical Ice and his team and let them know what you think. As for this walkthrough you can send feedback, questions, comments, information and so on to me via email at [emailprotected], message me at the PokeCommunity forums site (search for Allen Ceedos) or on Reddit (search for Allen_Cee07). If you have any walkthrough requests too send them as well, I’m only putting out walkthroughs for ROMhacks for now so please don’t request for fan-made game walkthroughs. It’s mainly because I don’t think fan-made games allow for as much freedom as ROMhacks do thanks to the emulators you play them on. Freedom to save/load save states almost anywhere e.g. during battles and freedom to input useful codes e.g. Access to PC Boxes, Walk through Walls etc which I make use of for my walkthroughs from time to time or at least test out. If there are fan-made games that work like ROMhacks and emulators let me know.
Any support to help me continue making walkthroughs is greatly appreciated, be it financial or nonfinancial like simply sharing them out with other people, so please consider if any of my walkthroughs have done their job:
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/ceeallentk
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You can also have a look at my other projects that I work on when I’m not diving from one walkthrough into another:
Take care of yourselves out there, stay safe and let’s meet again in the next walkthrough 🙂 bye for now!
Allen Cee
Wednesday 24 February 2021
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