Just in case findingKoroks in the Chapter Missions in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity isn’t bad enough, doing so is not the only means of obtaining the all-important Korok Seedsthat can be used for useful upgrades and more inventory space. As it turns out, clearing certain main story missions and challenge maps can also reward players with Korok Seeds,so here’s a WorkIn Progressguide dedicated to the missions where Korok Seedscan be earned as a reward and what you can use them for.
If you are looking for the Korok Locations for each Chapter Mission, we have a separate guide for that which can be found here.
Before we begin, however, please note this guide will contain spoilers in some capacity, so do not continue reading if you don’t want to. Still here? Let’s do this:
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Korok Seeds: (First-Clear Rewards)
ClearChapter 3 – Freeing Korok Forest for the first time on any difficulty to earn 3 Korok Seeds.
Clearthe Hestu’s Training Challenge for the first time on any difficulty to earn 3 Korok Seeds.
Clear the Escape the Lost Woods Challenge for the first time on any difficulty to earn 5Korok Seeds.
Clearthe Forest Dance Festival Challenge for the first time on any difficulty to earn 5 Korok Seeds.
Supply the required materials for the Helping with Heights Quest to earn the rewards:Hetsu: +2 Bonus Hearts and 15 Korok Seeds.
Clear the Hold the Line Challengefor the first time on any difficulty to earn 5 Korok Seeds.
Clear the Hunting Partners Challengefor the first time on any difficulty to earn 5 Korok Seeds.
By completing the first story mission ofChapter 3,players can gain access to a new fighter with new quests and challenges becoming available. By clearingQuests associated to this new fighter, which requiresKorok Seeds and other materials. We have begun documenting the quests that ask forKorok Seeds and their associated rewards below:
Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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